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Friday, July 31, 2020
Any Politician that wants to defund police needs to declare that in writing BEFORE the Elections ! So we can Vote them out of Office.
Any politician that wants to defund police needs to declare that in writing BEFORE the election!
This so we can Vote them out of Office.
Venezuela? Nope. Yugoslavia? Nope. Right here in the USA folks! Democratic run cities in Chaos. Chicago, Seattle, Portland, etc., Blacks killing Blacks nothing is said?? Where is BLM at ?? Where the Protest for all the shootings and killings ?? Black on Black Crimes all time high .. NO NEWS ..
Better pay attention America: If Biden is elected, he won't be the president long. His vice president will have to take over quickly and the secret is that is the plan. The Democrats will use Biden to try and get the middle of the road vote so they can install a hard leftist shortly thereafter. Do not doubt me. This is orchestrated. Anyone with a brain can see Biden has dementia. Watch the VP pick because that is who establishment Democrats really want to see as president. Wake up people! This is a sick game being played on all of you, please don’t fall for it. There are no intentions for a Biden presidency.
Someone wrote. Food for thought ..
Better pay attention America: If Biden is elected, he won't be the president long. His vice president will have to take over quickly and the secret is that is the plan. The Democrats will use Biden to try and get the middle of the road vote so they can install a hard leftist shortly thereafter. Do not doubt me. This is orchestrated. Anyone with a brain can see Biden has dementia. Watch the VP pick because that is who establishment Democrats really want to see as president. Wake up people! This is a sick game being played on all of you, please don’t fall for it. There are no intentions for a Biden presidency.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Herman Cain was a Brilliant Man. Hard Work pays off .. The American Dream.
Herman Cain passed away. ---- It will be Interesting to see the send off he receives. He was a Brilliant black man who rose to the top, and deserves the recognition and extravagant send off and honor he deserves! *This will be interesting to see how BLM honors him. *
Herman Cain Lived the American Dream. Hard Work Pays Off. ...Low Life Dems now attack him ? He just died. OMG. You should be ashamed of yourself.
His immune system was compromised by chemotherapy. The lowest of the low politicize the death of a great American. You should be ashamed of yourself. He was 74 years old.
CNN - Oh almost forgot!!! battling for his life with STAGE-4 CANCER
Herman Cain
RIP Brother in Christ !
The American Dream. Worked Hard he did. Managed
Businesses. Thought he'd make a Great President to
like Trump as he to was a Business man.
Rest easy Herman, Amen
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
OBama and Clintin Leave ( 4 ) Four Men behind to Die in Benghazi. All they had to do was send in Help. They sent no one. 4 Americans died. You Never Leave Men Behind. 13 Hour fire fight. OBama couldn't send in one Fighter Jet ??!! Disgusting !! ... Watch the Movie, "13 Hours."
Could you imagine fighting for 13 Hours and Obama and Clinton
sent in Not one Fighter Jet to save these men ??!!
The Worlds most Powerful Nation sent no help ? Obama and Clinton
Blamed it on a Video tape mocking Islam. smdh. .. ( liars )
It was the Anniversary of 9/11 fast approaching. Ambassador Stevens
had indeed requested more security. OBama and Clinton sent None.
They had Susan Rice lying mouth On Face The Nation tell us it was
because of a video tape. ( stupid excuse ) . . . 9/11 Anniversary
9/11 Anniversary and the best Obama White House can come up with
is a video tape mocking Islam ???? Were they that dumb !!??
You left 4 good men behind and after 13 hours of fighting they died.
Watch the Movie, " 13 Hours."
If real facts are taken into consideration. . . History shows at one time or another every ethnicity, race and color has been subject to Slavery. . . which then in reality makes all on equal footing. . .
If real facts are taken into consideration. . . History shows at one time or another every ethnicity, race and color has been subject to Slavery. . . which then in reality makes all on equal footing. . .
White's were Slaves also
One Nation Under God
Monday, July 27, 2020
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Hate Crime Victims if they White get No Justice .. Tortured for days .. No Justice .. No News ..
Feds don't care about White Victims of Hate Crimes. Look up Troy Knapps. Riding his bike, 20 year old man, 16 Black criminals beat him so bad Doctors had to remove part of his Brain. Coma for months. He died that day. However his body lived on for 10 years. He was bedridden, wearing a diaper, hand fed, could no longer play with his son like he use to. The Gang of 16 black males the most anyone got was 6 years. Truth ...... No Riots - No Looting. ..North Charleston, SC. Feds said, " It wasn't a Hate Crime." 16 monsters on one white boy. SMDH. .... North Charleston, SC again. .... Melissa Missy McLaughlin, Kidnapped, gang raped, 3 Black males kidnapped her, yelled out," We captured us a White Woman come jion in." 2 more black males did just that. Feds would not help us. Not a hate crime. Made her clean herself with Bleach to hide the rape. Shot her on the side of the highway next day in the head. Local Police got 4 of the 5 kidnappers, rapist and murderers. No help from the Feds. Year later Gardner was captured in Philly. The ring leader. Most got life. .. No hate crimes though. Not one.
Troy Knapps
16 Black Males beat one Troy Knapps
Doctors had to Remove Part of his Brains because he was beaten so badly
The most any of the suspects got was 6 years. Troy lost his life. smh ..
Melissa "Missy" Mclaughlin
The 2 victims above where Killed in .. North Charleston, SC
CNN, CBS, NBC all you hear is Walter Scott. However - Troy and Missy
suffered for hours. Troy for years. Their Lives Mattered also.
And should be remembered
Should be remembered ..
The monsters pictured above car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!
Channon Christian, was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut off her breast and put chemicals in her mouth … and then murdered her. Why didn’t this received National coverage by the news media like the George Floyd case?
Oh, that’s right – the victims were white. The parents asked the FBI and DOJ for Hate Crime chargers to be brought. They refused to charge them with hate crimes ???!!! They tortured these poor kids, raped the man and woman. Kept the girl alive for days just to rape her. SMDH. .. This case Never Made National News. Victims White. Sick ass Monsters. ........
Over In McClellanville, SC we got the same thing. Taylor Gang and Other Thugs Kill our daughters and the Feds do nothing. They Kidnap young white girls for the past 22 years. Sell them for sex - to other drug dealers, Criminals, you name it. Shannon McConaughey, Brittanee Drexel and Crystal Soles. More are Missing. Local Police had the names of several suspects, good leads, FBI took over the Case, FBI Lost the names of the suspects. ???? WTH. Bad things going on and all we hear are BLM !!?? .. What about all these Crimes here for "22 years" and all the other Victims of Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking ...... Feds don't give a damn about White Victims I swear. smh. .. We've written FBI HQ., AG HQ., DOJ HQ., all in Washington, DC .. Not a word. Nothin ..
People in this World have No idea what really going on in America ...
Whites been disappearing and Murdered for Years and NO NEWS ......
Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking booming in America and
CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. don't say a word !!!!!????? WTH ....
Shannon McConaughey been gone 22 years. We know exactly who
Kidnapped, Raped and Killed her. 2 Eye Witnesses told us everything.
Them Taylor Gang and friends: Randell Taylor, Jacob Taylor,
James Weston, Tag, Elijah Johnson and Harry James Rivers.
You see the Taylors are bad news. Monsters. And their friends to.
They had a friend, a dirty cop, at Charleston Co. Sheriffs Office
who messed with the evidence in the case. They walked.
And they still Raping and Killing ... The black dirty cop was
only fired never charged with anything. smh.
We say, you got a body, 2 eyewitness statements, try them in a
Court of Law. When local prosecutors dropped the charges which
they always do. This is when the DOJ is suppose to take the Case.
It never Happened.
Now more girls are Missing and the FBI nor DOJ do Nothing..
Just think, Brittanee Drexel and Crystal Soles and others, would
still be alive today, having babies and a life to, IF the DOJ had
came in like they did against them White Cops out in LA and
try them on Civil Right Charges @ Kidnapping, raping and murder.
You had 2 eye witnesses !! My God .......
The World has no idea what really goes on in the USA ..
( the news will never tell the Gods truth about real america )
Just think, 16 killers walking around Charleston, SC. The one's
who killed Troy Knapps. Plus, the Taylor Gang and friends in
McClellanville, S.C. who Killed Shannon McConaughey and several
other little white girls. Sex Trafficking. So that's another 20 or so
Rapist, kidnappers, Killers running free. That makes 36 criminals
who love to kill whites and rape them to - running around.
We wonder how people in North Charleston / Charleston S.C.
feel about these monsters. Known killers. 16 plead guilty. Did
less than 4 years in any prison for taking a human life.
McClellanville ain't but 30 minutes from Charleston, SC. 36 Rapist
and Killers free to kill again. My, My ..
Friday, July 24, 2020
Why not protest the shootings of innocent children? Thugs shooting random people, including children. Pretty sure none of these children were shot by cops. Sure, there are bad cops, but thugs shooting children should be dealt with just as harshly, or more. Black lives matter, black children's lives matter as much.. where is the outrage over these murderers???? !!!
Why not protest the shootings of innocent children? Thugs shooting random people, including children. Pretty sure none of these children were shot by cops. Sure, there are bad cops, but thugs shooting children should be dealt with just as harshly, or more. Black lives matter, black children's lives matter as much.. where is the outrage over these murderers???? !!!
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Frostproof, FL. Triple Murder Suspects to appear in Court Thursday
Frostproof triple murder suspects to appear in court Thursday: Three suspects will face a judge Thursday in connection with a triple murder in Frostproof over the weekend.
The One in the middle did the Murders. Mary was his GF and
Robert Wiggins his brother. Robert only had 1 arrest. Mary No
Record at all. However TJ Wiggins should have been in Prison.
The Killer had been Arrested "230 times." Tony 'TJ' Wiggins. smh
How in Gods name was he even free to kill 3 fishing buddies ??
I heard of many Criminals / Thugs before been arrested 20 - 40 times.
Which is bad enough. But 230 times and back out of Prison ?? WTH
The Police are doing their jobs. However some Prosecutors and some
Judges are getting people Killed. When the Thugs like the one above
should have been put away for Life already. Freaking Sad man ....
Crime Scene
Tony “TJ” Wiggins, 26, who has 230 felony criminal charges Murdered Brandon Rollins, 27, Keven Springfield, 30, and Damion Tillman, 23 in an apparent dispute over a truck engine. ( TJ was mean as hell. Always getting into fights. Police knew him well. 230 Arrest and Judges and Prosecutors gave him to many second
chances. You hear about it all the time. Criminals arrested 20 and 40 times but still walk our streets. Makes no sense. ) TJ was nothing but a Thug ..
The Victims. They were going to go fishing last friday. A simple
Fishing trip we all enjoy. The Thug above TJ Wiggins, a career
criminal, arrested 230 times, omg, Shoots all 3 fishing buddies
over nothing. smdh.
Freaking Thug Should Have Been in Prison for Life already ..
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
When you have an argument or misunderstanding with anyone, you may harbor resentment with that person. When you do that, you turn small stuff into big stuff in your mind. What will you accomplish by proving yourself right? Let it go. Focus on creating your life.
When you have an argument or misunderstanding with anyone, you may harbor resentment with that person. When you do that, you turn small stuff into big stuff in your mind. What will you accomplish by proving yourself right? Let it go. Focus on creating your life. Amen
STOP USING YOUR CHILDHOOD AND THE SHIT YOU DON BEEN THRU AS AN EXCUSE TO BE A FUCKED UP PERSON... Yall Be GROWN ASF Still Blaming Your Parents, Grandparents, Them Fake Ass Friend You Rolld With And Ya Ex For How You Act As THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY. At Some Point, You Have To Stop Blaming Other People And Point The Finger At Yourself. You HAVEN’T HEAL Because You Don’t Want Too... That’s Nobody’s Fault But Your Own❗️💯👌🏽 #ReadItAGAINIfYouHaveToo🗣
Spot on !
STOP USING YOUR CHILDHOOD AND THE SHIT YOU DON BEEN THRU AS AN EXCUSE TO BE A FUCKED UP PERSON... Yall Be GROWN ASF Still Blaming Your Parents, Grandparents, Them Fake Ass Friend You Rolld With And Ya Ex For How You Act As THE PERSON YOU ARE TODAY. At Some Point, You Have To Stop Blaming Other People And Point The Finger At Yourself. You HAVEN’T HEAL Because You Don’t Want Too... That’s Nobody’s Fault But Your Own

Democrats tell Sleepy Joe Biden to stay away from women. .. Perv.
That little girl looks scared to death. WTH ..
Sleepy Joe got a lot of issues. # 1 Perv., # 2 Crazy, # 3 Can't
remember his wife's name, # 4 Never answers the questions,
# 5 Plum Crazy, # 6 .. etc.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Saturday, July 18, 2020
If you can do a better Job - Put a Badge on and show the Police how it's done. .. Didn't think so ..
Let's see you handle Harden Criminals ..
Rapist ..
Murders ..
Burglars ..
Kidnappers ..
Drug Dealers ..
Gang Members ..
Only 1 Police Officer for every 7000 people ..
Black on Black Crimes out of Control.
Radical BLM Group does nothing for the Black Communities ..
Nothing ..
As Christianity gets attacked during this pandemic I want to say something about the spirituality debate. Please read below :
As Christianity gets attacked during this pandemic I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? Fine. Why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does me believing in Jesus bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Fine. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence are far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. Then it's too late. I believe in Jesus Christ. He said deny me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. HE'S COMING BACK...Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they call him Master. Had no degree, yet they call him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they call him Healer. He had no army, yet kings fear Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. 

His name is JESUS
Friday, July 17, 2020
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
One Nation Under God ....
All this talk about this life and that life mattering. We all need to step aside for a second and reflect on the fact that God determined that in order to save the world, the life of His Son did not matter. Sinless, and on a criminal's cross,
Christ decided YOUR LIFE MATTERS !
America. The Greatest Country on this Earth .. !!
Monday, July 13, 2020
Did Obama and his staff really have China Test Covid-19 in 2014 - 2015 for 3.7 Million ?? .. WTH man ..
See Link:
Watch Trump and the News reporter talk about the Lab in China.
2015 Obama Admin. paid China 3.7 Million to research the
Covid - 19 Virus. wth ..
This man volunteered for days power washing tombstones desecrated by the anarchists all throughout the cemetery. Thank You Sir !!
We Salute you !
God Bless you !
People been cleaning up after them hoodlums. You cannot
bring this Country down with Riots and Looting. It won't
happen. Millions like this man and many, many others,
been cleaning up for weeks now. Thank you all.
We love all our friends and family. They come in every
size, shape and color. Known most our friends since grade
school. They love us we love them. No one will cause my
friends and I not to be friends. We love each other and
respect each other. Amen
God Bless America
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