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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Taylor Crime Family & Co-Defendants of McClellanville, S.C. Justice Department Needed ... FBI ... Murdered At Least 2 Young Girls. If Not More ..

                                                  ERROL OUNCE  TAYLOR  "40"
                                          TIMOTHY DA'SHAUN TAYLOR - MIDDLE-
                                             KIDNAPPED BRITTANEE DREXEL
                                                HIS FATHER, SHAUN TAYLOR, 
                                            SHOT AND KILLED BRITTANEE DREXEL 
                                                  AFTER SHE TRIED TO ESCAPE
                                              "40" ERROL OUNCE TAYLOR ( left ) 
                                               PRESENT FOR BRITTANEE DREXEL 
                                                       TORTURE AND RAPE  ..  
                                                 LOOKS JUST LIKE A TAYLOR

                                            RANDA MASSEY GOT THE RIGHT TAYLOR
                                              CRIME FAMILY of McCLELLANVILLE, SC                                       

                                              SHAUN TAYLOR - TRIGGER MAN 

                                            SHOT AND KILLED BRITTANEE DREXEL 
                                                 TO PROTECT HIS CRIMINAL SON 

                                             JACOB TAYLOR - PRESENT WHEN 
                                       SHANNON McCONAUGHEY WAS MURDERED
                                          RANDALL TAYLOR & ORROL OUNCE "40" 
                                            THICK AS THIEVES. ( BOTH ON LEFT ) 

                                          BOTH HAVE KILLED AND OR KIDNAPPED,
                                            RAPED, TORTURED & KILLED   .. 

                                                 SHAUN TAYLOR - BOTTOM LEFT 

                                               RANDALL TAYLOR - BOTTOM RIGHT 

                                                 BOTH COLD BLOODED MURDERS, 
                                                      RAPIST, KIDNAPPERS ..

                                                 FRANCIS TAYLOR - TOP RIGHT 

                                                 FRANCIS SO FAR NOT IMPLICATED.
                                        HOWEVER, FRANCIS BOAST, "HIS BROTHERS
                                             WILL GET AWAY WITH MURDER."  


                                           NO WONDER RANDA MASSEY & POLICE 
                                          WERE CONFUSED. AS THE TAYLORS LOOK 
                                                           A LOT ALIKE. 

                                                          IT WAS PROBABLY 
                                    RANDALL IN THE VAN WITH ERROL OUNCE "40"
                                                    AND  DA'SHAUN TAYLOR 
                                         WHO TRIED TO GRAB RANDA MASSEY  !!!!!!!

                                              RANDELL TAYLOR ( then @ now ) 

                                                         JAMES WESTON  TAG

                                          WAS ONE OF THE 5 MEN THAT WANTED 
                                             TO RAPE SHANNON McCONAUGHEY. 
                                             AS WELL AS:  JACOB LEON TAYLOR
                                                                       RANDALL TAYLOR
                                                                       JAMES RIVERS
                                                                       ELIJAH JOHNSON 

                                      HOWEVER, BEFORE ANYONE ELSE GOT A 
                                     TURN TO RAPE SHANNON. RANDALL WENT
                                       CRAZY AND SHOT & KILLED SHANNON 
                                          McCONAUGHEY. 2 WROTE WRITTEN 
                                              CONFESSIONS TO AS MUCH. 

                                                      ELIJAH JOHNSON & 
                                      JAMES RIVERS WROTE THE CONFESSIONS  .. 

Confessed - Elijah Johnson

Confessed - Harry James Rivers
"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."

"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..."

 Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. 

                                                   BRITTANEE M. DREXEL 

                                                    LEO BELIEVE THE TAYLOR'S 
                                                 HAD EVERYTHING TO DO WITH 
                                                CRYSTALS DISAPPEARANCE ALSO. 

                                                               SAME MO  .. 

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