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Monday, December 18, 2017

// McKesson Too Big To Prosecute ?? // Bull Crap // McKesson Should Be Held Accountable // DOJ need to do Their Job // Eric Holder let them Walk B.S. // President Trump DOJ and AG need to get these Thugs // They Broke The Law Over and Over Again // Even After Agreeing to Correct Things // McKesson Laughed in DOJ and DEA Faces and Kept at It // Illegal Sells // Thousands Dying // McKesson is the True Meaning of Thugs //


  McKESSON is The True Meaning of Thugs ...

   $ 200 Billion Dollar Company Telling Our Gov. What To Do ...  

  These Thugs Must Be Held Accountable ... 

  Opioid Crisis in America and McKesson Keeps Pushing Pills  ?? 

  WTH  ...  

Eric Holder DOJ told the DEA to back off McKesson. ?? ( WTH ) We Pray 

President Trump & DOJ do the right thing. Prosecute these Thugs ... McKesson

  1. "wrote a check" and got a hand slap. Whistleblowers: DEA attorneys went easy on McKesson, the country’s largest drug distributor
  2. ‘rigged system’ to push on small rural pharmacies.

  3. Replying to 
    Make billions creating an epidemic and then billions solving it. sound right?
  4. Thank you for this incredible story. For those of us who have lost someone to the , it is especially enlightening- and infuriating.
  5. Gotcha John Hammergren : 'We feel like our system was hijacked’: DEA agents say a huge opioid case ended in a whimper - The Washington Post
  6. The biggest case the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration ever built against a drug company was settled far too leniently, say two DEA whistleblowers who made the case. 
  7. Watch right now. Opioid corruption
  8. Watching about sending such large amounts of opioid pills to rural areas that was so suspicious, above thresholds, during this current drug crisis & DEA efforts to prosecute stopped. The system is rigged.
  9. OUTRAGEOUS! irresponsibly flood the market with opioid drugs. As a drug dealer, no decision-makers will do jail time. Instead, a company check was written to the DEA. and their execs were awarded bonuses. Our country is left a shambles.
  10. We don’t need lawsuits vs. the pharmaceutical industry, we need prosecutions. We must stop the disparities in how we view ‘white collar crime.’ & others have killed tens of thousands by trading lives for dollars. That by definition is a criminal enterprise.
  11. must be held accountable for getting this country hooked on drugs
  12. why did you accept money from ? You can’t take their $ & stand against the opioid epidemic! You’re either or you’re not. Which is it?
  13. often bumped up thresholds to supply small town pharmacies/online orders with no shame

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