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Monday, December 18, 2017

// McKesson // This $ 200 Billion Company, McKesson, is the Largest Drug Cartel in America // Perhaps the World // McKesson has The US DEA and DOJ Scared of them // That's Bullshit // Prosecute them for Killing Americans // Twice now they've been given a Slap on the Wrist // When instead the CEO and President should be in Prison // Opioid Crisis in America is McKesson Fault to a Great Degree // They make $$$ Billions off Americans // Sell to Illegal Companies // DEA told to Back Off, WTH // Eric Holder DOJ wouldn't Prosecute Them ?? // President Trump needs to Prosecute these Thugs // Trump DOJ and DEA need to Show How It's Done ... // Eric Holder Failed Americans ... //

  1. is the largest US drug dealer of . Not okay. Which party were they supporting? Follow the money! And save Americans from this awful epidemic that strikes across poor to wealthy and uneducated to educated and rural to inner city. Ubitquous! Tragic!
  2. I'm sorry, but if is on point with this report, what are we waiting for? is North America's largest cartel. Their CEO is basically El Chapo, and he goes unchecked? Appalling.
  3. Great to see speak truth to power re: coverage of Big Pharma's role in opioid epidemic. Not just AGs, though; responsible investors can play a role, too.

  4. Hard Questions for a Company at the Center of the earned his pay. has become a top provider of health care services, “increased revenues $156 billion, & provided shareholders w a significant annual return on investment.
  5. Pharmaceutical Shame on you!
  6. "Hundreds of thousands of suspicious orders"

  7. Unbelievable.. another example of how our government is owned by their corporate masters. pharmaceutical. PUNKS!

  8. Pays to have friends in high places. ‘We feel like our system was hijacked’: DEA agents say a huge opioid case ended in a whimper

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