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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

JEREMY AND CHRISTINE MOODY - Cold Blooded Murder's / Female Suspect Cut Victims Throat

A man accused in a double-homicide is a member of a violent, racist skinhead gang, and his wife is competing for credit for the killings. 


                      UNION COUNTY, S.C. 
  More charges have been filed against a couple accused of killing a Union County couple.
 Jeremy Moody, 30, and his wife, Christine Moody, 36, were arrested early Wednesday and charged with murder in the deaths of Charles "Butch" Parker, 59, and his wife, Gretchen Parker, 51.
 On Monday, 2 charges of kidnapping, 2 charges of possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime and burglary were filed against the couple.
 Bond was Denied on the new charges during the bond hearings.
 Taylor said the Moodys killed Butch Parker because he was a registered sex offender, and they intended to kill another sex offender on Wednesday.
 The Moodys were Booked Early Last Wednesday and are Each Charged with 2 Counts of Murder.
 Taylor was also expected to announce on Thursday if surveillance video taken by a security camera set up at the Parkers' home that shows the crime unfolding can be released to the media.
 During a news conference on Wednesday, Taylor said Moody told investigators, "This isn't the first time something like this has happened." Taylor said Moody implied he has killed before.
"We’re trying to verify that or disprove that at this time. Right now we don’t know we’re checking into what he has told us to see," 

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