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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

White folks and their kids need to be Careful everywhere you go. 

White kids in School especially. 

Many have been beaten severely. 100's if not 1000's.  

Hate Crimes against Whites at an all time high. 

Be aware. Be careful. Be safe.   

*Neither of these White Victims below made the World News. 

The DOJ need to "Set an Example" for all Racist Attacks against Whites. 

1000's of White Victims of Hate Crimes. Especially since 2020.  

Kaylee Gain life is over. Because a bully 25 pounds 

heavier than her beat her head onto concrete. 

All but killing her. 

Where are the parents ?? 

She was only 15 years old. Just a baby. 

DOJ where are the Hate Crime Charges !!?? 

Don't forget Jonathan Lewis. Killed by a a Mob of 

15 blacks on 1 white teenager. 

Stomped and beaten to Death for helping one 

of his black friends. 

Jonathan was only 17 and tried to help his black friend. 

He was killed for it.  

 Racism goes both ways. 

Jonathan Lewis & Kaylee Gain just teenagers.  Lives taken. 

So many more. 1000's more lives beaten because they White. 

1000's of Whites severely Beaten and or Killed. 

The World is watching and follows these Barbaric acts. 

Feds need to step in.  DOJ.  

Racist attacks on Whites by the 1000's !! 

Lives Ruined because of their Skin Color.  White. 

Going after our children also. DOJ and Feds must stop this. 

Please write the DOJ :   Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes must be stopped. 

Kaylee Gain.  15.  Her life is over. 

Her beating was barbaric. Suspect out weighted 

her by 20 - 25 lbs. Suspect showed no remorse. 

As Kaylee lay shaking on the concrete 

having a seizure. 

Hate Crime. 

Jonathan Lewis was beaten to death. 15 on 1. 

He stepped in to help his smaller black friend. 

They stomped him to death at a High School. 

Hate Crime. 

He was murdered for helping his black friend. 

No News Media coverage at all. 

Please write the DOJ:  Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes against Whites by the 1000's. 

Joe Biden, Harris, Dems, Libs, etc., did this ..  they want division.   Sad. 

 The DOJ need to "Set an Example" for all Racist Attacks against Whites. 

1000's of White Victims of Hate Crimes. Especially since 2020.  

Kaylee Gain life is over. Because a bully 25 pounds 

heavier than her beat her head onto concrete. 

All but killing her. 

Where are the parents ?? 

She was only 15 years old. Just a baby. 

DOJ where are the Hate Crime Charges !!?? 

Don't forget Jonathan Lewis. Killed by a a Mob of 

15 blacks on 1 white teenager. 

Stomped and beaten to Death for helping one 

of his black friends. 

Jonathan was only 17 and tried to help his black friend. 

He was killed for it.  

 Racism goes both ways. 

Jonathan Lewis & Kaylee Gain just teenagers.  Lives taken. 

So many more. 1000's more lives beaten because they White. 

1000's of Whites severely Beaten and or Killed. 

The World is watching and follows these Barbaric acts. 

Feds need to step in.  DOJ.  

Racist attacks on Whites by the 1000's !! 

Lives Ruined because of their Skin Color.  White. 

Going after our children also. DOJ and Feds must stop this. 

Please write the DOJ :   Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes must be stopped. 

Kaylee Gain.  15.  Her life is over. 

Her beating was barbaric. Suspect out weighted 

her by 20 - 25 lbs. Suspect showed no remorse. 

As Kaylee lay shaking on the concrete 

having a seizure. 

Hate Crime. 

Jonathan Lewis was beaten to death. 15 on 1. 

He stepped in to help his smaller black friend. 

They stomped him to death at a High School. 

Hate Crime. 

He was murdered for helping his black friend. 

No News Media coverage at all. 

Please write the DOJ:  Protect all Human Lives. 

Hate Crimes against Whites by the 1000's. 

Joe Biden, Harris, Dems, Libs, etc., did this ..  they want division. Sad. 

Man Arrested For Suspected Hate Crime Attacks On White People

Why isn't this ever on the World News Every night ????!!!! Why ..

It takes a lot for a black person to get charged with a hate crime...
he will get Why isn't this ever on the World News Every night ????!!!!

If the roles were reversed this would be on every news outlet around
the world. 11k views on the local youtube page....

 WARNING: Extremely disturbing and difficult to watch.

A video recently surfaced of a young wheelchair-bound girl being violently attacked in what appears to be a school bathroom. Other kids just stood by recording and laughing. This needs to be investigated ASAP and these assailants need to be brought to justice!