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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Beautiful words ..


people you love, who are no longer here...they check on you. they sit on clouds & when it rains, they’re running fingers through your hair. across your face. the rainbows are their smiles & storms just mean they‘re trying to be louder than the darkness that came with losing them.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Kalama Harris “Miss Lock Up a Brother” Now she trying to be “Sister Girl"

In Chicago, 3,468 people have been shot this year alone. That is 1,153 more than 2019. War Zone .. Where is BLM ??


In Chicago, 3,468 people have been shot this year. That is 1,153 more than 2019. 

You got to be kidding me. Why is this not talked about  ??  WTH .. Where is the NEWS MEDIA at ?? Hypocrites ..  OMG .. 

Black on Black Crimes Out of Control and Not a Word  ????????  

The US Murder Surge .. Black on Black Crimes Rising and Not a Word .. ?? Typical ..


The US murder surge is accelerating: killings are now up 42% in Atlanta, 41% in Philly, 38% in Oakland, 30% in Miami, 25% in LA, 20% in Dallas. Worse, cities that had been okay are joining the trend. Dallas has had 27 murders in Oct., compared to 2 in the same period in 2019.

Chicago is a War Zone .. Not a word from Democrat run City. 

Nor the News Media .. ??   WTH ..  

A Knife is a Weapon. BLM make no sense at all. If you are armed what do you expect ?? Get Real .... You Lost America's backing ....


Cannot back a group that makes no sense. 

You had America on your side and lost us .. 

Rioting, Burning, Looting when every suspect 

now is ARMED !!  

Get real ..  ! 

Even the Father say's, "Knock it off."  

Monday, October 26, 2020

The US murder surge is accelerating: killings are now up 42% in Atlanta, 41% in Philly, 38% in Oakland, 30% in Miami, 25% in LA, 20% in Dallas. Worse, cities that had been okay are joining the trend. Dallas has had 27 murders in Oct., compared to 2 in the same period in 2019.


The US murder surge is accelerating: killings are now up 42% in Atlanta, 41% in Philly, 38% in Oakland, 30% in Miami, 25% in LA, 20% in Dallas. Worse, cities that had been okay are joining the trend. Dallas has had 27 murders in Oct., compared to 2 in the same period in 2019.

However, Defund the Police .... Idiots ....