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Monday, July 1, 2013

DaQuarius Is One Racist Nut .... Threats To Kill Crackas' Including Baby Crackas' ?? .... Will Contact Law Enforcement .... // TWITTER //

  1. police cant do anything every nigga i know gonna go lootin, we dont care if is innocent cos then we can get stuff so its win win

  2. killed innocent black kids but innocent cos his a cracka. it aint fair were is racial equalaty

  3. i not only gonna kill but he family 2 aswell as the lawyer

  4. stfu obama is black. zimmerman is a fuckin cracka

  5. if does be free then me and my homies gonna attack every cracka we see even the baby crackas
  6. i dont even care what crackas are messaging me u should stop killing kids if u dont like it
  7. change story but still not guilty WTF
  8. i swear if inocent im gonna get all the jury

  10. you should be called racistville trying to make blacks look like child abusers

  11. i swear im gonna rape this bitch ass cracka. she just makin fun of trayvon and he family

  12. if zimmerman innocent i know who im looting first lol. a cracka who lives neer me is rich
  13. Zimmerman lawyer in that picture its funny how they all have WHITE icecream cones aint it. they planed it to make white look better

Twitter : Social Media - Some Good Arguments .... George Zimmerman @ Treyvon Martin

  1. I just can't imagine a Grown Man being beat up by a teenager.
  2. OMG , Just Arrest The Man Already He Killed A Boy Just Cause He's Black Which Made Him Look "Suspicious"
  3. LIES!! they asked if you were following him you say NO and they say we dont need you to do that!!
    1. sooo you stalked him! case closed Zimmerman is the aggressor
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    2. Some teenagers are bigger than Adults. Look in your High School. Treyvon was Taller than GZ. Treyvon had been Suspended a Bully
    1. This is making me mad! He was a child!! His race shouldn't matter.
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    2. you're right but this has now become a racial case thanks to the media & that's sad. A young man is dead he's human not a race
    3. And it's not a matter in this case either. Unless your a Racist. Then it is.