Don’t care if this get suppressed, don’t care if I get shadowbanned after this. This is me, raw.
But as someone who worked the Summer of Love riots, as someone who ran with a cop who was bleeding from his head towards an ambulance, as someone who watched a cop roll on the floor in pain as “activists” taunted her, as someone who watched a police van catch fire after being firebombed, as someone who had a cop close to me die and had to look at his widow as she couldn’t even properly have a funeral for him as George Floyd rioters and protestors were allowed to do whatever they wanted, as someone who has dedicated a significant portion of his life to law enforcement:
I’m sick and fucking tired of watching these Democrat elected officials stand on the bodies of cops to get back at Trump while they are the very ones who are directly making our jobs harder. They’re the ones who demonize us on a regular basis, but because Trump is involved, now want to pretend they care about us. They’re the ones who vote for legislation to put handcuffs on us while allowing criminals to run around unchecked, but sat at a cop’s funeral because they could thumb their nose at Trump while they were there.
I have more respect for the ACAB and “I don’t back the blue” crowd because at least they’re consistent. They hate us all day. Fine. However, to demonize us one minute and then try to hug us for political jabs is insulting.
Fuck you. Leave us alone.