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Friday, November 19, 2021


Ha, let the boy be black and it would’ve been life…hell he would’ve had his life taken before the bullshit trial.. sad

What about these "White Victims" ???? NO JUstice for them Yet. .... Why aren't you talking about White Victims to ?? Brittanee Drexel, Shannon McConaughey, Crystal Soles, ect., No Justice .... Bubba Wallace what about them >>>> ?????????

Brittanee Drexel

Crystal Soles

All these girls taken by African Americans ..

All were Kidnapped, Raped and Murdered

What about White Victims Bubba Wallace >>??

Where is there Justice ????

Are they on any list of yours ??

Lives that Matter .. ??


Troy Knapp's

Troy Knapp's beaten into a Coma by 16 Blacks ..

Doctors had to remove parts of his Brain

All Black Suspects got less than 6 years ??

Troy Knapp's never got to play with his 1 year old son again.

Bedridden. Never walked again.

He died wearing a Diaper.

Hand fed till his death.

Took him 10 years to die. .. smdh

Where is there Justice ????

@BubbaWallace What about Troy Knapp's Beaten to Death ??

Is he on a list of Victims you keep ??

Who is being the Racist now .. !!

All Crime Victims Deserve Justice. No Matter what ..

Zeek Arkham for President !

He got more sense than anyone in the White House.

Tells it like it is. He's got my Vote.

Vote for Common Sense. Vote for Zeek Arkham.


Leftist politicians couldn’t wait to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse. Meanwhile, none of them have condemned BLM or the other rioters who were everything that they accused Rittenhouse of being. This explains everything about this case and what they want for America.

Spot on .. !

Rappers Killing Rappers ..  smh  

Young Dolph Murdered in Broad Daylight.  

Where is BLM at on this ?? 

Where they at ?? 

Where the Marchs at !! smh .. 

LIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Acquitted On All Charges | NBC News // Dang Skippy !! Innocent .. Amen ..

Self Defense  

They Ran him down .. Beat him .. 

Innocent !!  

Pictures Don't Lie  .. 

They Chased him down .. 

Self Defense ! 

 More Crime Stories at Below Link :

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse shouted "Friendly" 3 times as men Chased 

him before he fired upon them. 

One Suspect was kicking him in the head 

when he fired.  

Self Defense .. 

Kicked in the head ..

Then attacked with a skate board as a weapon .. 

Plus again people were chasing after him ! 

Someone else also fired first while chasing the guy

Self Defense ..