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Thursday, January 28, 2021

 AP FACT CHECK: Biden’s fuzzy math on 1 million new auto jobs .... #Biden nothing but a Liar .... He'll ruin the US economy Trump had rolling along just fine. #FactsMatter

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, etc,. Will ruin America. 

Opens Borders ??  ..Must have forgotten Covid - 19 ..

Cutting 40,000 Jobs from Oil Industry  ??

Raised Insulin Prices. WT Heck ???? Trump had them lowered. 

 By his own definition, Biden is already governing like a dictator. No kidding !! 40,000 lost there jobs in the Gas @ oil Industry, Insulin is sky high for people who have to have it. How are they suppose to get their meds & then 40,000 Jobs #Biden took away?? Biden took away the Program Trump started that Cut the cost of Insulin, smh, ..What a moron....

Trump created Millions of Jobs. Biden is taking them away .. smh ..

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

 Where were these Congressional Representatives when Leftists were ‘persisting’ in protests, riots, and other uncivil acts for the last 4 years?  Media to ..   



Tuesday, January 26, 2021

 Nearly all GOP senators vote against impeachment trial for Trump, signaling likely acquittal

Damn right. Dems for Months on end told them to keep Rioting.

Trump did not ....