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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Never forget 9/11

God Bless America. 

Thank you to all the Firefighters and Police Officers 

risking their very lives to save others. 

Rushing into a burning building to save lives. 

Many did not come back. 

Home of the Free because of the Brave. 



 ABC Millions of Americans know you 

lied about Trump being wrong. When in 

fact again and again Trump told the truth. 


 They are eating peoples animals.  

ABC is Paid by Democrats. 

Trump had to Debate 3 people last night and 

still won. 

Americans know only ABC is allowed to interview

Kamala Harris. Rigged....  

Americans are not stupid. ABC helped Trump in so many ways. 

Fact Check this ....  

Libs, Woke, ABC, CNN, etc.,  what a joke you are. 

ABC what a joke. Facts Checkers got it wrong again. Trump told the Truth.




Here is the Real Facts Checker Truth !!!!!!! Link Below:

Haitians are indeed eating Ducks, Cats and Dogs in 

Springfield, Ohio.  


Rescuing Haitians and dropping them off in Ohio was a very very stupid idea. Believing that every migrant can "fit-in" into American society and immediately adapt is just gross negligence.

I live in Northeast Ohio, so Springfield isn’t far from us. This is coming to ALL of our doorsteps sooner than we think. This HAS to stop. Fix the border and save some lives!!!

Woke is " GETTING WOKE " we warned you.... Democrats ruining America.

This is awful!!! I’m speechless. I live in Ohio, fortunately not near Springfield. This alone, should stop anyone from voting for anyone who has had anything to do with the Biden administration.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

 Uncontrolled illegal immigration, across a chaotic and completely unregulated Southern border, is the designed intention of Democrat policy. The Democrat party believes it gains an electoral advantage by having the largest possible dependent underclass, and a sure-fire way to expand the dependent underclass is to allow anyone to walk across the Southern border and stay, on any pretense or on no pretense at all.

This is happening because the Democrat party wants it to happen. The tradition of immigration into the US was built at a time when there was little to no publicly-funded social safety net and when the immigrants had little choice but to assimilate into American culture. With public debt at the Federal level alone (not mentioning State and Local) roughly equivalent to all the money in the world, and with identity politics valuing any non-American national identity more than an American identity, the US can afford neither fiscally nor culturally to continue Democrat policies on immigration.

WHAT IS HAPPENING in Springfield, Ohio??


Rescuing Haitians and dropping them off in Ohio was a very very stupid idea. Believing that every migrant can "fit-in" into American society and immediately adapt is just gross negligence.

I live in Northeast Ohio, so Springfield isn’t far from us. This is coming to ALL of our doorsteps sooner than we think. This HAS to stop. Fix the border and save some lives!!!

Woke is " GETTING WOKE " we warned you.... Democrats ruining America.

This is awful!!! I’m speechless. I live in Ohio, fortunately not near Springfield. This alone, should stop anyone from voting for anyone who has had anything to do with the Biden administration.

 There are 741 mosques in Canada, but Muslims block traffic and pray in the middle of the road. Thoughts??  ..Coming to America unless we change course. 

Coming to America via Kamala, Biden and Obama !!!! Sharia Law isn't a joke.
Obamas first cousins. Remember OBama went to Muslim Coutries and apologized 
to them for what we don't know. We saved them in many, many Wars. WTH.
The conservative white men can't save you then. You know the one's that
fought in all the Wars and gave you Freedom.
Your grandbabies will look back and say, "For real, we had it a lot better under
conservatives than this." The more you know.. Obama bowed to a Saudi Arabian
princess. What the hell was that ?? ..You only Bow before God!!

People best wake up. Open Borders was the worst idea ever. But Kamala is now
saying she's going to close the Border??!! No she isn't if elected..

Kamala Harris was the Border Czar. Now Illegals are taking over towns,
cities, America. WTH people. .. Illegals must go. .. They are taking away
from Americans. .. Housing, Food, jobs, safety, crime is only going up.

 50 illegal aliens were flown to Martha's Vineyard and Democrats threw a fit.

20,000 Haitian illegal aliens take over the small town of Springfield, Ohio, and Democrats are silent. Democrats don't care about average Americans.