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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Kamala Harris - India, Jamaican. Sworn in as such. Now she's Black somehow.


She was sworn in as the first Indian American.

Then, 4 years later, she's Black ??

Her Mom is from India.

Her father is from Jamaica.

Why lie .... Votes is why ....

Define Defund and educate yourself on how long it takes to train a Police Officer. They need proper training, skills, and it takes years. Training and Experience is what counts. - Some today still say," Where are the Police? " Uneducated people cannot remember 2020, omg. You demonized every Police Officers. They quit or some retired if they had enough time in.

It takes 5 years to be considered a seasoned Officer.

The US has a sever shortage of Police Officers.

No Thanks to people like Kamala Harris and other Democrats

saying, "Defund the Police."

BLM and Woke both said that, ' It was a mistake to say Defund the Police.'

If not for the Police - the inner cities would tear themselves apart.


Kamala Harris supported the 'Defund the Police' movement in June 2020 

What a joke she has been.  

She has Fired half her staff. 

Especially her speech writers. She too can't 

complete a sentence.  

 We can remember 3 years ago Biden told us 

Kamala Harris was the new Border Czar.  

Look at the Border now ! - Illegals all over America. 

How can she run a Country if she can't simply shut

down the Border problem??  

'Border czar' or not, Kamala Harris ran from her job to get the border under control

Democrats say Kamala Harris was merely assigned to address immigration’s 'root causes.' That's not what the record shows. 

Can Liberals and Democrats ever  tell the truth ??

Remember it like it was yesterday. Biden was sending Harris to 

straighten out the Border Crisis.  Was on the News several nights. 

Now Dems, Libs, etc., flat out lie about it.  

The Blind leading the Blind. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

 If Kamala Harris wins the Election the US will 

be at War with China. 

As Putin invaded Ukraine,  China will invade 


China and Russia see Democrats as weak. 

If Trump doesn't Win, God we pray he will, 

the US will be in another War because of weak 


Biden and the Democrats have caused 2 big wars. 

How, by being weak.   ..Ukraine and Israel.

Many Americans will die. 

Think of your children and Grandchildren when 

you Vote.   ..Again, China and Russia consider 

Democratic Presidents as weak. 

Russia and China know better than to mess with 

a Conservative President. 

President Trump took out Chemical Weapons with 

Tomahawk Missiles - twice against Russian backed 


Russian backed Syria were killing civilians with chemical weapons. 

Obama only talked of striking Syria.  ..Obama did nothing. 

However,  Trump didn't play with Syria or Russia. 

The US Navy, on 2 different occasions, fired more than 80 

Tomahawk missiles to save lives. ( over 160 missiles & 

it stopped the chemical attacks )   ..That's Leadership!! 

Russia / Syria stopped all Chemical attacks after the US Navy

and Trump took them out.  

Over the past 8 years Russia and Syria "Stopped" all Chemical 

attacks thanks to our President Trump. He saved countless lives. 

Leadership is what we need. 

Bring back Law and Order. 

Price of Food under Democrats is over 25 % higher.. 

Vote wisely.,in%20the%20Eastern%20Mediterranean%20Sea.&text=The%20attack%20is%20in%20retaliation,in%20the%20April%204%20attack. 


See Why Pilots Love To Wear This PRICEY Helmet

Never thought about the precision of the crew to direct a
plane to cat. Thanks for explaining that and the narrative.
Very interesting.

Much prefer this super-soothing style of narration.