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Friday, May 10, 2024

Be bold in Faith! Trust that good works 

never go in vain. 


"Extreme" G5 geomagnetic storm reaches Earth, NOAA says, following "unusual" solar event. 

Solar Flares!  

Many Americans may be able to see the Northern lights. 

The Aurora early Saturday morning between 2 am and 5 am. 

As far South as Alabama.  


Thursday, May 9, 2024

 Police Officers kill less than 1 % of Blacks killed in America. 

Yet that is all we hear about??

 Asap Rocky said it best," Why we talking about one cop 

shooting one black person. When in the inner cities blacks 

kill blacks by the hundreds."  

#Facts  #FactMatter 

 Blacks are killing and shooting each other in inner 

cities at alarming rates. Yet the News Media, nor Woke, 

Dems, BLM mention this !!??   ....Why hide the facts!!?? 

Why not report on this?? Why No News?? 

Shameful ....

Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 146
Shot & Wounded: 667
Total Shot: 813
Total Homicides: 172