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Sunday, March 3, 2024

 You can’t receive happiness if you’re thinking sadness. Joy comes every morning. Some people have been bypassing it year after year because of their thoughts. You will live happier if you’ll start thinking happier.

 God didn’t create you to start off excited about life, joyful, believing for your dreams, and then end up defeated. That’s life trying to change who you are. Go back to who God made you to be: joyful, passionate, confident, victorious.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

 Joe Biden has every tool he needs to close the border!

He couldn’t care less about the safety of Americans! Joe Biden has 🩸blood on his hands!

( the laws are already in place. ) 

 When you’re tempted to get discouraged, look back over your life. You have a history with God. Think about all the times He made a way where you didn’t see a way. He gave you strength. He protected you. He hasn’t brought you this far to leave you where you are.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

We have issues here, have families that are struggling, veterans that can't receive the help they deserve but somehow our "leaders" keep sending billions overseas while our country is suffering. We're getting taxed high, the cost of groceries and living are high but these politicians choose to aid everyone but their own people. It's embarrassing and disgusting

Protestors Heckle Athens Mayor over Laken Riley murder in Georgia by illegal Mexican.

Illegal invader. 

Taking peoples lives.   WTH 

Joe Biden has Blood on his hands.