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Sunday, February 25, 2024

This Harrier Pilot Shot Down 7 Houthi Drones

Lionel Richie, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Michael Bolton

 Think my biggest believing people. Like...I take what you say to be the truth. Why? Because I don't lie and I don't automatically assume that they would be liars. Maybe I should just start from a place of disbelief until they prove themselves to not be liars.


No news from the News Media about Black on Black crimes !!??


Joe Biden didn't even Campaign and still won?? 

Trump filled up Coliseums and somehow lost !? 

Make it Make Sense.  

 My name is Chad Carlsen.

Did you know that fentanyl is the leading cause of death among American adults aged 18-49? I've heard too many tragic stories of lives lost, and that's why I'm taking action to end the fentanyl pipeline. Follow me to help raise awareness!

 You’re never wasting time serving others. It’s a part of God’s plan. You can’t reach your destiny without that time of being faithful to another person’s dream. That’s showing God that He can trust you with your own dream.