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Sunday, February 25, 2024

 My name is Chad Carlsen.

Did you know that fentanyl is the leading cause of death among American adults aged 18-49? I've heard too many tragic stories of lives lost, and that's why I'm taking action to end the fentanyl pipeline. Follow me to help raise awareness!

 You’re never wasting time serving others. It’s a part of God’s plan. You can’t reach your destiny without that time of being faithful to another person’s dream. That’s showing God that He can trust you with your own dream.

 We think, “God, where are You? Why aren’t You doing something?” We don’t realize that God is doing something. He’s sustaining us. He’s pushing back the forces of darkness. He’s keeping you from giving up. You’re in the middle of a miracle, but you can’t always see it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Girls Basketball Team FORFEITS After TRANS Player INJURES 3 Girls


I have 3 daughters that played softball. My youngest played college
softball. My daughter was the smallest softball player to play the game
at her University. She is 4’10” and weighs 93lbs. Let some foolishness
like that happen and I guarantee we would have cleared the stands!!!!
No way I would allow my daughters to play in that league!!!


Bidens America omg smdh