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Wednesday, February 21, 2024



This is a great example that poverty does not lead to
crime. Crime leads to poverty.

Imagine that. Companies aren't in business to be robbed,
looted and vandalized. And when that happens daily with no
police enforcement, they close.

This is sad.

Can we go back to Law and Order !!??

This Video Exposes How Dumb George Floyd’s Attorney Is 😀


He's not just dumb, he's actually racist. The thing he's
supposedly fighting against.

What's wrong with the World, You ask ?! 95% of Gen Zers know who George Fl0yd was , but less than 1% know who Thomas Sowell is !

As a detective that case really pissed me off. Dude
should have been charged with manslaughter at most.
Floyd ate a ball of fentanyl on camera, resisted arrest,
and had covid. As the coroner ruled, he more than likely
wouldn’t have died if he didn’t swallow the drugs. The
kneeling was excessive, but pre-meditated murder?!
The spin job on that case was insane and everyone
fell for it.

Unbelievable. Heard that myself 30 years ago. 
If you listen to certain morons in this world 
you will be dumber after you listen to him. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Lets go back to Old School ways.



 When we look at all that’s going on in the world it’s easy to live worried and afraid. But you’re not in this by yourself. You have a protector, a defender, a deliverer. The Most High God is the guardian of your soul.

 David said in Psalm 68, “Praise the Lord our God. Each day, He carries us in His arms.” You may have situations that are too much for you, but God is saying, “Don’t worry; I’m going to carry you.”

HERO Chief Fan TAKES OUT Kansas City Shooter As Media PANICS Over BLACK ...


As a person of color, hiding the truth because of race infuriates me.
I read somewhere that black males between the ages of 18-45 represent
5% of the population and yet are responsible for 50%+ of murders (my
numbers are probably off because I'm going from memory but they were
staggering statistics). Ask me again why I live in an almost entirely white
town. The truth ... People are law abiding, respect the police, don't have
garbage in the streets, watch out for their neighbor and even put an effort
in something simple as recycling every week. Oh, and they have enough
weapons to take on a small army! LOL! TRUTH!

When they don’t immediately identify the shooter, you know the shooter
doesn’t look like this 👱🏻‍♂

These people covering up the races of the suspects are truly evil.