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Sunday, February 18, 2024

HERO Chief Fan TAKES OUT Kansas City Shooter As Media PANICS Over BLACK ...


As a person of color, hiding the truth because of race infuriates me.
I read somewhere that black males between the ages of 18-45 represent
5% of the population and yet are responsible for 50%+ of murders (my
numbers are probably off because I'm going from memory but they were
staggering statistics). Ask me again why I live in an almost entirely white
town. The truth ... People are law abiding, respect the police, don't have
garbage in the streets, watch out for their neighbor and even put an effort
in something simple as recycling every week. Oh, and they have enough
weapons to take on a small army! LOL! TRUTH!

When they don’t immediately identify the shooter, you know the shooter
doesn’t look like this 👱🏻‍♂

These people covering up the races of the suspects are truly evil.

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