In seasons of suffering, seasons of struggle, something is happening on the inside of us. There’s a strength, a perseverance, a resolve, that’s being developed. We’re learning to trust God in a greater way.
Dear Black folks:
You’ve voted Democrat for years. You’ve shown them intense loyalty. You’ve organized to vote for them. You don’t even consider any option that isn’t Democrat. And yet… These same Democrats whom you’ve done everything for, are giving illegal immigrants housing, money, and health care with your money. Meanwhile, they’ve given you nothing. Oh, wait… they gave you Juneteenth as a holiday and told you to thank them for it. Maybe you should stop being so loyal.My name is Gretchen Smith. I believe in securing our border. Deporting anyone who poses a threat to our American Way Of Life. I believe in creating legislation / policies that put Americans, our future, and our security first. I believe when we are a united, strong and safe nation we can assist nations around the globe. A strong and stable America equals a strong and stable world. #AmericaFirst