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Friday, December 29, 2023

The N****RS Are The BIGGEST PROBLEM! | Tatum TikTok


The older white dude in NOLA is correct. And, I'm a black male.
Seen what he's talking about, over and over again for 27 years
as a police officer in DC. There's a problem and if it's not acknowledged,
it will not be fixed. Now let the name-calling begin, "Sellout, Uncle Tom,
Oon, and other names" for me pointing out facts. There's always one
who starts it.

That young woman that just wants to be in love gives me hope for
some of our kids. Like Tatum said, if she dressed decently, she'd
probably attract that right man for her. Bravo, young lady!

Corrupt Mayor of Chicago Suburb Gets Arrested By FBI. Is Henyard Next?


 I’m from Chicago, and Illinois politics are a mess. In my lifetime,
I remember the following Illinois politicians doing jail time:
back to back Governors Rod Blagojevich and George Ryan,
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr and his ex wife Alderman Sandy Jackson,
Congressman Mel Reynolds, Alderman William Beavers,
Cicero mayor Betty Loren-Maltese all off the top of my head.

And those are just the ones who were convicted.

Rihanna RELEASES New "SATANIC" Puma Shoes

 There are 193 Nations in the World. 

The US is # 3 in gun violence. 

However,  if you took out; Houston, LA., 

Baltimore, St. Louis, and Chicago. 

The US would be only # 190 out of # 193 Nations

in Gun Violence. 

All these Inner Cities are run by Democrats.

With the strictest Guns Laws in US. 

- Enforce the Law's Democrats  !!!!  

 Stop making Excuses for Criminals. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 Turn the News Off. 

Be Proud of who you are!

Never live in the past. 

Live for Tomorrow. 

What happened 150 - 200 years ago, we weren't alive then. 

Our Ancestors were Slaves also. Irish. Yet we moved on. 

Everyone's Ancestors - have been slaves throughout 

Human History. 

Arabs been having white slaves as far back as the 1500's. 

Arabs would kidnap Irish, Scottish, English, German, ect., 

right off the coast at night by ships. 

Our Irish Ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years. 

Then our Irish Ancestors were the First Slaves in America. 

Yet we moved on. 

Proud White Irish / Scottish Americans.  

Nothing we can do to change the past. Go Live ....... 

God Bless America and Our Forefathers. 

Who fought for all our Freedoms we Enjoy.