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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

People who’ve had their political opponents arrested:

People who’ve had their political opponents arrested:
Joseph Stalin - Murdered over 40 Million.
Mussolini - Got Millions of Italians murdered.
Pol Pot
Fidel Castro - Ruined Cuba.
Adolf Hitler - Murdered over 30 Million.

Joe Biden - Crime out of Control, Border Crisis, Immigration
Crisis, Jobs, Demonized all Police Officers, Food & Gas
Prices out of control, Inflation 50 year high and growing,
Not nearly enough Police Officers to stop the crime wave,
what next .. ??

Do you see a pattern??

Dan Bongino


Brawl outside Harlem migrant shelter, 2 hospitalized.

Them migrants are treated better than us, US citizen this is ridiculous

We can not find a low cost of living, but we can find housing for
migrants. Thank you for not looking out for the people who were
born here.

Democrats and Biden are ruining America. smh

We have Border Laws for a reason.

Migrant crisis across New York State. Democrats and Biden destroying America....

if only we worked so hard to house our homeless veterans.
damn shame our tax money goes to everyone else

Vote differently next time. Our “leaders” are not worthy of
law abiding citizens respect any more.

America can't even house its own Homeless people. WTH

Illegals get rooms while Vets are homeless - smh

Line of migrants sleeping outside stretches around Roosevelt Hotel. Bidens America.... smh

If Mayor Adams Love immigrants so much why doesn't he
take these people and put them in his house?

Illegals in border states : not a crisis. Not an emergency Illegals in own state : it's a crisis. It's an emergency

This is why we enforce laws at the Border. Dems and Biden killing 
the American dream.  ..   Idiots.. 

Chicago residents attempt to block migrants from moving into former school.

They won’t even house our homeless vets. Are you kidding
me. This is insane!!

Absolutely crazy. No country should be offering anybody from outside free
accommodation and meals whilst the locals are suffering,
this is pure evil.

Security Guard Bits Man Ear Off After The Thief Tried To Take His Pistol.

That was ONE SMART SECURITY GUARD! Don’t take us
“Seniors” for fools! All of us aren’t “WEAK!” 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

Doc you crack me up! I do love how you bring out the best
in a story?! Your intelligence is a gift?!

If the bad guy gets the gun, you are dead. Good job.