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Friday, October 14, 2022

Take It Easy (2013 Remaster)

*The media is so idiotic with their remarks about nuclear war. The left knows that the more they mention it the more it encourages the Russians to act. The media does not give a damn about us. 

*Thank you, Biden voters, for giving us the threat of nuclear war under his fantastic leadership. 

*Business Insider  

    Thursday, October 13, 2022


    How is everyone coping with the High Gas Prices, Food, Rent, Less money in your Bank Account, ect., ???



    Why have sham hearings for Jan. 6 th.???? When all the Criminals were Burning, Looting, Murdering Americans?! What about the Rioters?? Murdered people?? #RIOTS

    Destroying Businesses?? #Shameful

    Monday, October 10, 2022

    The Flu alone kills over 80,000 Americans per year. CDC says 20,000, smh. Now Covid is back?? Come on man.

    Toxic women destroy good men too, but we rarely talk about that.
