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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Please don’t let this get out of hand. That’s exactly what the radical leftists want; divide, subside & conquer...Praying for all of you, especially @KingfaceF1 God bless 🙏🏻
Please don’t let this get out of hand. That’s exactly what the radical leftists want; divide, subside & conquer...Praying for all of you, especially
God bless !
Had the officers taken him down earlier in the incident there would have been outrage that he was handcuffed for no reason. Law enforcement has become a game of which option, at this very moment in the interaction, is the least offensive and thus least likely to cause a lawsuit. I'm leaning towards the fact that their agency has a policy in place to not use aggression and attempt to talk the individual into compliance. When the "victim" reached into his vehicle that policy was thrown out the door and it became a life threatening action towards the officers. That is why they shot him when and where they did As to the number of rounds fired, I would only guess that two officers fired a double tap of two rounds and the one nearest fired 3.
Had the officers taken him down earlier in the incident there would have been outrage that he was handcuffed for no reason. Law enforcement has become a game of which option, at this very moment in the interaction, is the least offensive and thus least likely to cause a lawsuit. I'm leaning towards the fact that their agency has a policy in place to not use aggression and attempt to talk the individual into compliance. When the "victim" reached into his vehicle that policy was thrown out the door and it became a life threatening action towards the officers. That is why they shot him when and where they did
As to the number of rounds fired, I would only guess that two officers fired a double tap of two rounds and the one nearest fired 3.
In todays Liberal world Cops don't have a chance ..
Do any protesters have Jobs ?? Stop paying for their Government Housing if caught Looting and Rioting. If they had Jobs No More Riots, Burning, Looting .. Self Respect.
Stop all Food Stamps to those caught Rioting & Looting
Stop Free Housing ..
If they had JOBS No more Riots .. !
Stop Paying for Section 8 Housing .. Make them get a real Job .. !
Stop Food Stamps when caught Rioting, Looting, Burning, etc.
All Arrested should be cut off from free living .. Get a JOB
Make them get a JOB like the rest of us tax payers .. !!!!
Lord Heal this Great Country of Ours. Cops are Imperfect like the rest of us. This division and race hatred has got to stop.
We have friends of every color. No one can change that. We love
one another. Help each other work on our cars, homes, children,
at work together, etc.
Stop the Hate.
Stop the Race Baiting.
Love one another.
Help one another as always.
I will NOT riot, loot or burn anything.
Nor will I attack innocent people. Stop Traffic none of that ..
Listen to this man. He is Spot on. Respect yourself and others. Stop the Hate - Good Lord.
It's not the police who need to be retrained, it's the public. We have grown into a mouthy, mobile phone wielding, vulgar, uncivil society with no personal responsibility and the attitude of 'it's the other person's fault', 'you owe me'. A society where children grow up with no boundaries or knowledge or concern for civil society and personal responsibility.
When an officer says "Put your hands up," then put your hands up! Don't reach for something in your pocket, your lap, your seat. There's plenty of reason for a police officer to feel threatened, there have been multiple assaults and ambushes on police officers lately. Comply with requests from the officer, have your day in court. Don't mouth off, or fight, or refuse to comply... that escalates the situation.
Police officers are our sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters. They're black, white, brown, all colours, all ethnicities, all faiths, male and female, they are us. They see the worst side of humanity... the raped children, the bloody mangled bodies of traffic victims, the bruised and battered victims of domestic violence, homicide victims, body parts... day after day.
They work holidays while we have festive meals with our families. They miss school events with their kids, birthdays, anniversaries, all those special occasions that we take for granted. They work in all types of weather, under dangerous conditions, for relatively low pay.
They have extensive training, but they are human. When there are numerous attacks on them, they become hyper vigilant for a reason, they have become targets. When a police officer encounters any person... any person, whether at a traffic stop, a street confrontation, an arrest, whatever... that situation has the potential to become life threatening. You, Mr & Mrs/Miss Civilian, also have the responsibility of keeping the situation from getting out of control.
Many law enforcement officers are Veterans. They've been in service to this nation most of their lives, whether on the battlefield or protecting us here at home. They are the only thing that stands between us and anarchy in the streets.
If you want to protect your child, teach them respect.
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