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Monday, March 17, 2025

'NO MORE immigration!' Irish FLOOD Dublin streets in FURY to demand END ...

How the f**k can a homeless Englishman not get accommodation
in England but if you come over illegally then you get accommodation. These Politicians need to be prosecuted for this. Absolutely Disgusting!

Italy Under Siege: The Alarming Rise of Islamization & Illegal Migration

I feel sorry for Italy and Greece. For years they asked for
help from the European Union to defend their borders,
but the EU didn't care.

Muslims @ Islam spreading hate.

Pediatrician DROPS MIC on the Trans Child Debate

Telling children that drugs and surgeries are the only way
they will ever feel “better” is down right evil.

No one under the age of 18 should be allowed to transition medically.

Children don't have a problem with their gender or their sex until adults
convince them they do.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

  Before you were born, God not only chose you but He put a calling on your life. When you know you’re chosen, you’ll hold your head up high. You’ll live with confidence, not because of who you are but because of what you are.

 The Scripture says, “Love never fails.” You can love them back on track. Love them when they don’t deserve it, love them when they don’t listen, love them when they’re making bad decisions.

 Keep sowing seeds of love and kindness. Keep being good to others. Jesus said, “The way people will know you’re His disciple is by your love for one another.”

Friday, March 14, 2025

NYC in Crisis: Homelessness & Poverty Spiral Out of Control !


this is insane. how can the USA govt be so careless and why
on earth they have to spend on other countries. why can't they
focus on their own country first and do something for homeless

So disgusting that State after State: has so many homeless.😡

300 billion could have helped a lot people in need. yet the democrats
give it all to illegals.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

How "Killer Chick" Got Her Battle-Damaged A -10 Aircraft Home. Awesome story.

Badass pilot doesn’t begin to describe this young lady.
As a troop on the ground in 2004 in Iraq, thank you so much.
The A-10 is truly the Infantryman’s Angel.

Kid With Gun Shoots & Kills 2 Armed Robbers During Home Invasion

You will never make bad people harmless by making good people helpless.

This kid was outnumbered, outgunned, and still managed to
protect himself because he had the means to do so.

Armed Mom Defends Against 3 Intruders While Holding Baby

If they are in your house.. dont need to warn them.
The closed door was the warning.

Those kids are going to hear, "I took a bullet for you" for the rest
of their lives. I'm glad she fought back, brave Mama. The news I
read said they broke in to steal a play station. Crazy

Serial Stabber WON'T Go Down!

We gotta fix this judge problem. If they aren’t gonna hold people
accountable, they should be held accountable.

The judge who released that dirtbag in San Antonio, needs to be
charged with endangering everyone’s life in that apartment complex
and for the injured LEO.

Trump Just Took Over NYC's Subway... Permanently

Something tells me NYC seriously needs a thorough
audit by an outsider.

3.8 billion spent on illegal immigrants but zero went to the subway.

As a person that lives in upstate NY this is how the entire state is. We have the highest taxes and receive nothing for it. If I go to another state that has no state tax it is amazing their public infrastructure is in better shape than ours. For what we pay our streets should be paved in gold but all of the money goes to things like brand new $100K F250s for government officials.

Believe in your abilities and God will lead you on.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Every Black Person Needs A Few White Friends. Drew Thomas

This man is fixing relations one joke at a time.


NBA Legends Share The First Time They Faced Larry Bird

I've said it before and I will say it again, these are some
of the best players of all time that are telling you how
good Larry Bird really was.

We would never have thought Larry Bird talked so much. The greats
told how it really was. Thought it would be someone else.
Thanks for the video.

I loved the NBA in the 80s. Era of the Superstars.Know what?
Larry beat em' all. He shot like Curry, passed like Magic, rebounded
like Kareem and stole like Stockton. Transformed a dismal Boston
team into a 3 time Champion. The toughest and most clutch player
in NBA history. 3 consecutive MVPs, All-Star MVP, 3X all Defense
team, Athlete of the Year and King of the 40/50/90 club. LEGEND!!!!

Not only did Larry and Magic save the NBA, they gave us
arguably the best decade of basketball ever.

Much respect to all these legends !!

The GREATEST Larry Bird Story Ever Told

Never knew Larry Bird talked so much trash. Figured
someone else held that title.... called his shots and made
everyone. Amazing. Much respect to these players telling
what it was like playing against Larry Bird.

You're on FIRE right now! Thank you for all the great Larry Bird
content! It lets me remember my childhood and my dad watching
Larry together. Never knew Larry Bird talked so much ..

Much respect for players who tell it like it was!!

The other teams players got fined $ 3000 for pulling for Bird lol.
Watch at about 12:12 onward to see them laughing on the bench
as Bird schools their teammates. lol .. Classic. Hats off to them ..

Monday, March 10, 2025

Dark Side of America’s BIGGEST CITIES: HOMELESSNESS Crisis Devouring Cities

Yet we give Illegals  $ 5.9 Billion for Hotels ??   WTH 
 ( nyc alone $ 5.9 billion dollars )  

What about Americans ?? 

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the devil. 

MUST WATCH: Byron Donalds Absolutely Lights Into Boston Mayor Michelle Wu in heated exchange.

If Americans shipped their kids around without parents
they would be put in jail.

I’m a MA resident and I don’t remember voting to spend my
tax dollars on illegal immigration.

6.9 billion from just ONE city alone....I have no words for this wow.

FEMA Chief FIRED as Elon Musk UNCOVERS MASSIVE Payouts for NYC Migrants!

These young men get it. They get it. Listen to the end.

59 Mil for illegals, but barely $700 for Americans. Ridiculous!

Who is the owner of those hotels??? And did they share money
among Democrats???? CORRUPTION!!!

$59,000,000.00 for hotels in NYC. BUT FEMA didn't have the money to help Americans? People not only need to lose their jobs, they need to be prosecuted for corruption and fraud. We need to investigate the people that got the money as well and go after them as well.

Imagine if Kamala won and none of this got exposed?
This Country would have been OVER!

FEMA under Biden .... $ 59 Million for Illegals to stay in 5 Star Hotels.

$59,000,000.00 for hotels in NYC. BUT FEMA didn't have the money to help Americans? People not only need to lose their jobs, they need to be prosecuted for corruption and fraud. We need to investigate the people that got the money as well and go after them as well.

I magine if Kamala won and none of this got exposed? This Country would have been OVER!

Republican Gives REALITY CHECK as Black Liberal Women CRY RACISM!

These young men get it. They get it. Listen to the end.

I'm a black woman and honestly I'm tired of watching other
black women be ignorant.

Trump could have picked Jesus himself to be in his cabinet and the
democrats still wouldn't be happy.

I feel so bad for Scott. He's so smart, and his patience is incredible.

Democrats LOSE IT Singing Black Spirituals During Protest as GOP PUNISHE...

These young men get it. They get it. Listen to the end.

The Democratic Party is so out of touch...

Trump has NEVER, EVER said anything about getting rid of Medicaid !!!!
STOP IT , it's getting boring !!!!

Get rid of the curmudgeon Al Green. Trump has never had a thought of
doing anything to Medicaid.

Al Green paid $ 800,000 to a lady for Sexual Harrassment. Great guy ....

He said in his speech he wants people on social security not to pay
taxes on it. He's not cutting social security, nor anything that's going
directly to the American people.

The Dark Side of SLAB CITY: The WORST City in AMERICA? Shocking

When I went to check out Salvation Mountain with friends and
we drove through Slab City......seriously rough.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

 Sometimes we let the pressures of life—the traffic, what somebody said, a challenge at work—keep us from enjoying the day. We think it’s just another ordinary day, but there’s no such thing as an ordinary day. Every day is a gift from God.

  You’ve been exceptionally made. God calls you a masterpiece. But we go through life and we make mistakes, we feel condemned, not valuable. The beauty is, despite all the flaws, the weaknesses and disappointments, God sees the masterpiece. He knows who you really are.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Soldier STRANGLES Active Shooter!

The Judge should be charged as an accessory to murder of the bus driver

Damn, that cop didn't want to be the next headline on CNN,
so he took the chance of not using deadly force and almost
died because of it.

I appreciate it when you call out the judges that are letting
these violent offenders loose on society. People should
know who to hold accountable.

Rear naked choke. Learned it in basic, refined it in barracks life. Yea, army had that move on point. Good job specialist! E4 MAFIA!!!

The FBI and Media Don’t Tell You How Many Lives Guns SAVE

The Media is trying to teach to be dependent on Government, not to be self-reliant.

Guns do save lives.

Good people with a gun save lives.

Another Roundup of UNHINGED Woke TikToks

Yall I’ve been “woke” and now looking back …. It’s hilarious how much
I thought being woke was cool. I was so annoying.

Lordy bring back common sense.

Diddler Gets DESTROYED!

Suspect: I have a gun Police officer: So do we! That's badass

Any crime involving a child you should not be allowed to be bonded out or literally anything. They need to sit their a** in jail and await their trial.

"My 7 Kids Get $2,100 In Food Stamps," Woman Brags About Having 4 Different fathers.

"What does me having seven kids got to do with anything" EVERYTHING

“4 of them have daddies”😂 ma’am, that is not a flex

I’m taking care of her kids. This makes me sick. All my taxes
go to these leeches. This is why ppl voted for Trump.
She’s not my wife yet I’m paying for her kids.

Man BREAKS DOWN Over Dems' Treatment of DJ Daniel

I was so proud of DJ Daniels. Not only did he beat cancer.
He has become an honorary police officer and an honorary
Secret service agent. He is already a great asset to law enforcement
officer. God bless him and his family. DJ, you are my hero.

I will bet Trump has been paying his medical bills but Trump will
never admit it. That’s the kind person Trump is.

In 2015 I researched every person running for POTUS, and I
always look for the good in a person first. The amount of random
acts of kindness I found when researching President Trump is why
I chose Donald Trump. Democrats care more about power than this
child who has been through more than most of us will ever have to.

Friday, March 7, 2025

LADIES PLEASE BE CAREFUL!! - Spring Break.... Anytime ....

Dear Younger Ladies...take notes!!!!
So I need to breakdown the "Friend Code" for some of you, because clearly there's too many girls going missing or getting killed.
This is how we "Old Schoolers" roll.
•Code 1: " We leave together... We stay together.... We come back together. NO you’re not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO I'm not leaving you at the party by yourself!
• Code 2 " Both of us can't be sh*t face drunk (neither of you should) , at least one person needs to be alert & aware of our surroundings!
•Code 3 " If you got to go to the bathroom or outside ." WE ARE ALL GOING TO THE DAMN BATHROOM AND OUTSIDE!!" Period!
•Code 4 " We don't accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar and watch the bartender pour".
• Code 5 " if I feel like you’re too drunk to function , we are leaving the party early". (We'll fuss about you messing up the night later)
• Code 6 " if you just so happen to go missing. I will give you a maximum of 15-30 mins to show up before I Shut the place down and we ALL are going to be looking for your ass!!! FOR REAL!!! Everybody else can call the police cause I ain't going home without you!
• Code 7 "If you're fighting it better be one on one, otherwise we are all fighting" (Hopefully this ain't jumpin off cause we are too classy and ladies)
• Code 8 and the golden rule, "The drop off person checks in or everyone who drove checks in when getting home" If we don't hear from you, we are coming to ya house
Because these generations got the Friend Code messed up! ! This is how we were raised...

President Trump reads list of US government Fraud Uncovered by Elon Musk's DOGE: "This is all fraud."

"Where's the money being spent? Right? Let's go into that for just a second. $520 million for a consultant on the environment. It's called Environmental, Social, and Governance investments in Africa and mobilized private sector resources. $520 million? Somebody got $520 million for an environmental...sounds like an environmental study. I've always been one that paid a lot of money for my environmental studies but they, you know, I paid like $50,000, not $520 million. $520 million for ESG. $25 million to promote biodiversity conservation and promote licit livelihoods by developing socially responsible behavior in the country of Colombia. Well, it's nice, $25 million to go into Colombia for something that nobody ever heard of. $40 million to improve the social and economic inclusion of sedentary migrants. $42 million for Johns Hopkins—great place to research and drive social and behavior change in Uganda. $42 million? What about us? What about social change in our country? $70 million for a center at Purdue to research university-sourced evidence-based solutions to developmental challenges. I mean, these are massive numbers on things that nobody ever heard about. $10 million for Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcisions. $10 million for circumcisions in another country. $9.7 million for UC Berkeley to develop a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise-driven skills. In other words, let's teach them something about enterprise. What about our people? Can't we teach them about enterprise? $2.3 million for strengthening independent voices in Cambodia. $32 million to the Prague Civil Society Center, which is a very liberal group of people. Wonder how much of that money came back to the people that approved it. $14 million for improving public procurement in Serbia. $486 million to the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening, including $22 million for inclusive and participatory political process in Moldova and $21 million for voter turnout in India. Well, why are we giving $21 million to India? They got a lot of money there—they're one of the highest taxing countries in the world in terms of us. We can hardly get in there because their tariffs are so high. I have a lot of respect for India. I have a lot of respect for the Prime Minister—he just left, as you know, two days ago. But we're giving $21 million for voter turnout? It's voter turnout in India. What about like voter turnout here? We've done that, I guess. We did $500 million, didn't we? It's called the lockboxes. $20 million for fiscal federalism in Nepal. Listen to these numbers—this is all fraud. $19 million for biodiversity conservation in Nepal. $1.5 million for voter confidence—we want to give them confidence in Liberia. $14 million for social cohesion in Mali. $2.5 million for inclusive democracies in South Africa. $47 million for improving learning outcomes in Asia. Asia's doing very well. They're doing a lot better than we do in the schools, aren't they? $2 million to develop sustainable recycling models to increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities in Kosovo and Eskişehir and in Egypt. We're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars.

Gov. Fraud found by President Trump so far:


  1. $22 billion: Free housing & cars for illegal aliens 
  2. $45 million: DEI scholarships in Burma
  3. $40 million: Social & economic inclusion of sedentary migrants
  4. $8 million: To promote LGBTQI+ in Lesotho
  5. $60 million: Indigenous & Afro-Colombian empowerment in Central America
  6. $8 million: To make mice transgender
  7. $32 million: Left-wing propaganda operation in Moldova
  8. $10 million: Male circumcision in Mozambique
  9. $20 million: An Arab "Sesame Street" program in the Middle East
  10. $1.9 billion: A decarbonization of homes committee run by Stacey Abrams
  11. $3.5 million: Consultant contract for lavish fish monitoring
  12. $1.5 million: To boost voter confidence in Liberia
  13. $14 million: “Social cohesion” in Mali
  14. $59 million: Illegal alien hotel rooms in New York City
  15. $42 million: Social & behavior change in Uganda
  16. $14 million: Improving public procurement in Serbia
  17. $47 million: Improving learning outcomes in Asia
  18. $101 million: DEI contracts at the Department of Education  

 Trump should announce that all fighting age illegals caught will be shipped out to Ukraine.

See how fast they self deport.

Republicans DROP the HAMMER on Sanctuary Mayors to CRIMINALLY PROSECUTE!

We should put those Governors in jail from all those sanctuary states.

The ability for these migrants to vote was always the main
goal of the Democratic Party.

it's time to hold them all accountable for their crimes

Veterans homeless and illegals receiving 6.9 billions.

They will not answer yes because they would be self-incriminating.

This is the End of Shoplifting

Look at who is complaining about stores closing,
the very same people who shoplifted.

It's unbelievable how much this was tolerated to even
get to this point.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Migrants Give Up… as ICE Agents Flood NYC

How are people getting into school when I have to submit vaccines,
social security numbers, addresses and ID for my child? They should
be sued for endangering children by exposing them to people without
proper vetting.

Why haven't people in charge NOT been arrested yet?


We Have A Mental Health Crisis In This Country.

I’ve worked as an ER RN for 16 years and I’ve dealt with a lot of Psych patients. I’ve never had a Trans Patient that didn’t have a whole slew of multiple psych conditions. Usually a combination of the Borderline/Narcissistic/Historionic/Oppositional Defiant/Panic disorders. They’re extremely manipulative and will go from extremely nice to your worse enemy in the blink of an eye. It’s like dealing with a 4 year old. I see them with a lot of malingering tendencies, conversions symptoms (faking siezures for pain meds/personal gains). I had a frequent flier who would go into a catatonic event or seizure after she got “yelled at” by her boss. I had another one who would fall asleep at work and to avoid trouble, he would claim Suicida! Ideation. This would happen often, weekly. This was a Military facility. These people are an emotional black-hole of need and are a nightmare to deal with. I will not go into a room alone with one; it’s a liability. The unfortunate thing is, family members and society enable this behavior.

10 Times Denzel Washington DESTROYED Rude Interviewers..

Yes.. Denzel is calling out the media for being fake.. love it

I’m a 75 year old white woman. I think Denzel is the best American.
He is a good family man and I wish there were more men like him
and there wouldn’t be so many messed up kids if they had a father
like him.

Truth sets you free and someone talking sense WOW

He is a great man and thinks like so many of us do!
Love this guy so much!

This is how Somali pirates are executed at sea (Captured on Camera)

HILARIOUS Comedians ROAST Joe Biden For 17 Minutes Straight! 🤣🔥

Hilarious! Ppl need to laugh more. Thanks for putting these clips together.

FBI issues stern warning for parents after NC teen found day after AMBER Alert.

That is one lucky 15yo. May she get the help she needs to heal
from this horrid situation and the trauma inflicted on her and her

All crimes against children should be NO BOND!!

Stop giving bond to ppl who hurt kids. Whenever a child
is involved no bond should be given.

I'm so thankful this young lady was rescued.
These stories usually DON'T end well.

Woke Chicago Mayor and Ghetto Democrat Made Fools of Themselves During ...

Chicago critically needs a new Mayor.

As a Texan i apologize for Crotchet, she is a disgrace to our great state.

Jasmine crochet "total ghetto trash"

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Reacting to Trump’s Address

Incredible speech. With so many touching moments. Like that
sweet boy battling cancer. I got teary-eyed when he hugged Sean Curran.
How could anyone watch that and not smile and applaud. Only heartless people.

If they can't clap for a child with brain cancer, they need to
drop the whole, "We're loving, compassionate, and inclusive."

My heart hurts for that mother. Tears!

Hey Amala I'm a big fan of your work and you are a big inspiration
for younger generations to get into politics and differ right from wrong,
thank you for being here and spreading the truth!!