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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

SR - 71 Cruised at Mach 3. Over 2000 MPH. Designed in the late 50's. First flight 1962.

Not one SR - 71 was shot down by enemy fire. 

Though Russia and China tried in vain to do just that. 

Top speed ever recorded Mach 3.3, above 2500 MPH 

and an altitude of 85,068 feet. 

 Fastest manned Aircraft ever.  

*The US was not invited to talks between North Korea, 

China and Russia. In the mid 80's 

At the DMZ between North and South Korea. 

Ronald Reagan sent a gift though. 

An SR - 71 at 85,000 + over 2000 MPH +

caused there coffee cups to rattle as the SR - 71 

did circle's over head. 

Breaking the sound barrier 6 times will 

rattling widows and coffee cups. 

Love Conservative Presidents. 

They take no crap off anyone. 


He will make you laugh also. What a humble guy. RIP brother.

My favorite SR 71 quote is: Through the valley of death I shall fear no evil, for I am at 80,000 feet and climbing.

Over 4,500 missiles were fired at the Sr - 71.
Not one could catch her.
The Mig - 25 was specifically built to bring her down.
Never came close enough with the Jet nor her missiles. Never could

Had to out run Missiles' fired at them over Vietnam

after speeding away the back seater had to

tell Brian," All right Brian lets start slowing

down." Brian said later he still had 4 more inches

of throttle left, however Walter was right.

His story will inspire all.

Don't be scared to fail, go for it. Amen....

Rest Easy Brian Shul.

SR - 71

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