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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Whether Biden is replaced or not, the insane and dangerous policies of the Democrat elite will continue. This isn’t about Biden, it’s about the Democrat elite and their friends staying in power to continue pushing their agenda to engulf the world in war and continue their theft of our liberty.

 If you don’t learn to say no to some things, then nothing will change. Because the people that are counting on you to perform will always be there. They may not like it, but your health, your emotional well-being is more important than keeping everyone happy.

 The people in your life are not always going to be there. Don’t take them for granted. Slow down and enjoy the journey. It’s easy to live busy, stressed, upset but today is a gift from God. Don’t just endure it; enjoy it.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Yesterday, I visited the cemetery to see my daughter who passed away as a baby. As I was leaving, I noticed a man, He was talking to himself, carrying a sleeping bag, and it was evident that he was unwell and had nowhere else to go. The day was hot, and I watched him take a drink from the cemetery tap in the rear view mirror

Driving home, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. Halfway there, I turned the car around and went to a food shop to get him some fish and chips along with two drinks. When I returned to the cemetery, he was still there. I gave him the food, and he asked me if I was his Aunt Stella. I tried to ask how he was doing, but he was often off-topic, clearly struggling with his health. Yet, he was polite and gentle Not gonna lie, I did cry How did we get here? How did we return to a time reminiscent of the Victorian era, where vulnerable people are left like this, In all the political posturing and noise, where is the care and support for the most vulnerable? As I left him, I realized I never asked his name. I wondered how long it had been since someone called him by his name, a basic form of recognition, acknowledging his humanity.

*We can provide the best hotels, free medical care and debit cards to people here illegally but somehow can’t take care of our own…

 My granddad is 91 years old.

I just got off the phone with him and he’s still one of the brightest and smartest people I know. He can tell stories for hours and loves to talk about different experiences he had. He would debate circles around Biden. The problem isn’t Biden’s age. It’s how coherent his mind is and what sort of mental deterioration is going on. Jill Biden’s willingness to keep her husband in the seat like this makes me question her devotion to him and her own motivations. It’s a Hillary-esque vibe.

 On Jan6 PeIosi was mic’d up & her daughter’s fiIm crew foIIowed her in the capitoI. She refused 1Ok NationaI guardsman.

That’s the most teIIing information that she methodicaIIy orchestrated the event. This was all done to hide they hijacked the 2O2O eIection!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

A few other things you probably don’t know: illegals in America can get bank loans, mortgages, insurance, driver’s licenses, free healthcare (California & New York) and in-state college tuition. What’s the point of being a citizen if an illegal gets all the benefits, but doesn’t pay taxes or do jury duty?

Elon Musk 

 God is not looking for perfect people. You can be discouraged, think you’ve messed up too many times, brought the trouble on yourself, but grace will come looking for you.

Scripture says, “God will rebuke the devourer for you.” You don’t have to do it. God will push back what’s trying to stop you. There will be a supernatural ease, a grace to enjoy the blessing on your life.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Airbus A320 CRASHES during AIRSHOW! | Air France flight 296


That whole scenario was crazy right from the start.
“Maximum attack angle” Low speed at 100' feet?? What was
Airbus thinking and the pilots??

What astonishes me to this day is that at no point did anyone involved
in Air France's planning of the exhibition flight, including the flight crew,
bother asking Airbus themselves - and their test pilots in particular -
what their own exhibition flight parameters were. As I recall, Airbus's
standard procedure was to perform a low-speed fly past demonstrating
alpha protection somewhere between 600ft and 1,000ft
(depending upon conditions), then circle back and perform a high-speed
flypast at a lower altitude. If Air France had presented their intention to
combine the low-speed alpha demonstration with a low-altitude flypast to
Airbus, the likelihood is that Airbus would have done everything in their
power to persuade Air France not to go ahead - even Airbus's own test
pilots wouldn't dream of cutting margins that close.
And that's without even touching on the fact they had passengers on board.

136 lives lost because of many bad decisions. Airshow you never have
passengers on board.

Top 10 Deadliest Airbus A320 Crashes

All 199 people killed in the tam 3054 accident that occurred after
an Airbus a320 collided with a building following brake failure and
pilot error. but 199 families lost their mothers and fathers and entire
families were dead.

Biden Mocks AR-15 Owners Thinking It Can Protect Them Against Government...

I'm so SICK of hearing Biden say "not kidding" and
"not a joke"Dude....

Friday, June 7, 2024

We all have Friends, Co-works, Friends from School, 

etc., who are of every Ethnicity. 

We love all our friends no matter what the News says,

Liberals, some Democrats also. 

Stop with the Division. 

Try love, kindness, help one another as before. 

Everyone has it hard in life. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

SR - 71 Cruised at Mach 3. Over 2000 MPH. Designed in the late 50's. First flight 1962.

Not one SR - 71 was shot down by enemy fire. 

Though Russia and China tried in vain to do just that. 

Top speed ever recorded Mach 3.3, above 2500 MPH 

and an altitude of 85,068 feet. 

 Fastest manned Aircraft ever.  

*The US was not invited to talks between North Korea, 

China and Russia. In the mid 80's 

At the DMZ between North and South Korea. 

Ronald Reagan sent a gift though. 

An SR - 71 at 85,000 + over 2000 MPH +

caused there coffee cups to rattle as the SR - 71 

did circle's over head. 

Breaking the sound barrier 6 times will 

rattling widows and coffee cups. 

Love Conservative Presidents. 

They take no crap off anyone. 


He will make you laugh also. What a humble guy. RIP brother.

My favorite SR 71 quote is: Through the valley of death I shall fear no evil, for I am at 80,000 feet and climbing.

Over 4,500 missiles were fired at the Sr - 71.
Not one could catch her.
The Mig - 25 was specifically built to bring her down.
Never came close enough with the Jet nor her missiles. Never could

Had to out run Missiles' fired at them over Vietnam

after speeding away the back seater had to

tell Brian," All right Brian lets start slowing

down." Brian said later he still had 4 more inches

of throttle left, however Walter was right.

His story will inspire all.

Don't be scared to fail, go for it. Amen....

Rest Easy Brian Shul.

SR - 71

Monday, June 3, 2024


Bryan Kohberger 

Animal, Thug, Criminal, ect..  

We hope they bring back ol' sparky for this Thug. 

Took 4 young peoples lives away. 

Hell awaits him. 

In the early hours of November 13, 2022, four University of Idaho students were fatally stabbed in an off-campus residence in Moscow, Idaho. On December 30, 28-year-old Bryan Christopher Kohberger was arrested in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, on four counts of first-degree murder and one count of felony burglary. 

Police and Fire fighters running into the Towers as everyone else runs out. Home of the Brave.


God will Bless all Police Officers, Fire fighters 

and EMS workers all over the World 

for Saving peoples Lives Day after day.

" Back the Blue. "
