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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 China is parking Satellites beside our Satellites in outer space!! 

Yet our News Media only talk about Donald Trump?? 

 What about China building the largest Navy!! 

 What about China and Russia having technology that 

sends Radio waves, Microwaves, into Americans ears 

causing severe headaches and leaving them disabled??!! 

 What happened to the Real News Media??!! 

 Our News Media and the White House will wake up 

one day and it will be to late. 

 Joe Biden is senile. Yet he's our President!!??  Shakes 

invisible peoples hands, can't find the stairs to get off

the stage, has Oil Cancer, WTH, can't read a simple sentence,

and the News Media says nothing of this....   God help us. 

 Has anyone in charge bought Food lately????  

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