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Thursday, February 29, 2024

We have issues here, have families that are struggling, veterans that can't receive the help they deserve but somehow our "leaders" keep sending billions overseas while our country is suffering. We're getting taxed high, the cost of groceries and living are high but these politicians choose to aid everyone but their own people. It's embarrassing and disgusting

Protestors Heckle Athens Mayor over Laken Riley murder in Georgia by illegal Mexican.

Illegal invader. 

Taking peoples lives.   WTH 

Joe Biden has Blood on his hands. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Three Drug Traffickers Sentenced to 48 Years After Striking Police Vehicle

They pitted the Police and got 20 years, 20 years and 8 years total. 

Drug mules.  

White male, Latina Male and female.  ( perhaps we should close 
the border now ??!! ) 

Pitted the Police and got total of -  48 years !!!! 

Former NFL MVP Cam Newton involved in fight at Atlanta youth football. He's trying to HELP but they attack him, WTH.


How embarrassing, when an athlete of his stature holds an
event in your community and this is how he is repaid.

Come on man.

How can anyone see Cam Newton play football and
think it's a good idea to pick a fight with him?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Mama Bear GOES NUCLEAR On School Board After Daughter FORCED To Share Bathroom.

Cam Newton attacked .... African Americans attack someone trying 

to help them.   WTH    ( not everyone is like this. these young ones

and there parents omg. my friends have never done this. ever. ) 

He read the blitz perfectly and avoided the weakside corner coming off the edge. Textbook footwork as well✍🏽✍🏽. Cam still got it💯😫

Cam is 6’5" 240 and an ex NFL player… they didn’t think that through huh

How embarrassing, when an athlete of his stature holds an

event in your community and this is how he is repaid.

Cam Newton don't play. 7 v 1 Cam won.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Don’t you think it’s about time the police were allowed to do their jobs and actually jail criminals for random acts of violence and stealing ?

 Byron Donalds

Joe Biden took classified documents from a SCIF. Joe Biden had NO RIGHT to take any of those documents. Joe Biden is in clear violation of the Espionage Act, yet DOJ refuses to charge him. This is WRONG.

Byron Donalds. US Congressman who is African American. He tells it
like it is.

Fluffy Visits Saudi Arabia - Gabriel Iglesias

Sunday, February 25, 2024

This Harrier Pilot Shot Down 7 Houthi Drones

Lionel Richie, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Michael Bolton

 Think my biggest believing people. Like...I take what you say to be the truth. Why? Because I don't lie and I don't automatically assume that they would be liars. Maybe I should just start from a place of disbelief until they prove themselves to not be liars.


No news from the News Media about Black on Black crimes !!??


Joe Biden didn't even Campaign and still won?? 

Trump filled up Coliseums and somehow lost !? 

Make it Make Sense.  

 My name is Chad Carlsen.

Did you know that fentanyl is the leading cause of death among American adults aged 18-49? I've heard too many tragic stories of lives lost, and that's why I'm taking action to end the fentanyl pipeline. Follow me to help raise awareness!

 You’re never wasting time serving others. It’s a part of God’s plan. You can’t reach your destiny without that time of being faithful to another person’s dream. That’s showing God that He can trust you with your own dream.

 We think, “God, where are You? Why aren’t You doing something?” We don’t realize that God is doing something. He’s sustaining us. He’s pushing back the forces of darkness. He’s keeping you from giving up. You’re in the middle of a miracle, but you can’t always see it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Girls Basketball Team FORFEITS After TRANS Player INJURES 3 Girls


I have 3 daughters that played softball. My youngest played college
softball. My daughter was the smallest softball player to play the game
at her University. She is 4’10” and weighs 93lbs. Let some foolishness
like that happen and I guarantee we would have cleared the stands!!!!
No way I would allow my daughters to play in that league!!!


Bidens America omg smdh

Larry Elder HUMILIATES Charlamagne. To His Face When CONFRONTED.


I am a black woman, and I told a white, Democrat voter I will never,
never, ever vote for another Democrat candidate! I did my own research
and found out many things that has never been taught to the black
community. The Democrats have not changed their way of thinking.
They have only changed how they play the game.

Love the above lady.

If the majority of black men were like Larry Elder I guarantee the
black communities would be THRIVING and safe. Hands down.

Bring Old Scholl ways back. Common sense. Law and Order.

Bring back Law and Order in America.



This is a great example that poverty does not lead to
crime. Crime leads to poverty.

Imagine that. Companies aren't in business to be robbed,
looted and vandalized. And when that happens daily with no
police enforcement, they close.

This is sad.

Can we go back to Law and Order !!??

This Video Exposes How Dumb George Floyd’s Attorney Is 😀


He's not just dumb, he's actually racist. The thing he's
supposedly fighting against.

What's wrong with the World, You ask ?! 95% of Gen Zers know who George Fl0yd was , but less than 1% know who Thomas Sowell is !

As a detective that case really pissed me off. Dude
should have been charged with manslaughter at most.
Floyd ate a ball of fentanyl on camera, resisted arrest,
and had covid. As the coroner ruled, he more than likely
wouldn’t have died if he didn’t swallow the drugs. The
kneeling was excessive, but pre-meditated murder?!
The spin job on that case was insane and everyone
fell for it.

Unbelievable. Heard that myself 30 years ago. 
If you listen to certain morons in this world 
you will be dumber after you listen to him. 

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Lets go back to Old School ways.



 When we look at all that’s going on in the world it’s easy to live worried and afraid. But you’re not in this by yourself. You have a protector, a defender, a deliverer. The Most High God is the guardian of your soul.

 David said in Psalm 68, “Praise the Lord our God. Each day, He carries us in His arms.” You may have situations that are too much for you, but God is saying, “Don’t worry; I’m going to carry you.”

HERO Chief Fan TAKES OUT Kansas City Shooter As Media PANICS Over BLACK ...


As a person of color, hiding the truth because of race infuriates me.
I read somewhere that black males between the ages of 18-45 represent
5% of the population and yet are responsible for 50%+ of murders (my
numbers are probably off because I'm going from memory but they were
staggering statistics). Ask me again why I live in an almost entirely white
town. The truth ... People are law abiding, respect the police, don't have
garbage in the streets, watch out for their neighbor and even put an effort
in something simple as recycling every week. Oh, and they have enough
weapons to take on a small army! LOL! TRUTH!

When they don’t immediately identify the shooter, you know the shooter
doesn’t look like this 👱🏻‍♂

These people covering up the races of the suspects are truly evil.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

This is America. We have always helped one another. Turn off the News. Go back to old school ways....



 In seasons of suffering, seasons of struggle, something is happening on the inside of us. There’s a strength, a perseverance, a resolve, that’s being developed. We’re learning to trust God in a greater way.


 Dear Black folks:

You’ve voted Democrat for years. You’ve shown them intense loyalty. You’ve organized to vote for them. You don’t even consider any option that isn’t Democrat. And yet… These same Democrats whom you’ve done everything for, are giving illegal immigrants housing, money, and health care with your money. Meanwhile, they’ve given you nothing. Oh, wait… they gave you Juneteenth as a holiday and told you to thank them for it. Maybe you should stop being so loyal.

Via Zeek. He is African American.

Monday, February 12, 2024


Whites folks were slaves also. Yet they don't cry about it. Move on.


Lets talk about Jobs, Education, Secure our Border, etc., 

My name is Gretchen Smith. I believe in securing our border. Deporting anyone who poses a threat to our American Way Of Life. I believe in creating legislation / policies that put Americans, our future, and our security first. I believe when we are a united, strong and safe nation we can assist nations around the globe. A strong and stable America equals a strong and stable world. #AmericaFirst



Nice Jet. 

Hypocrites !!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

 Don’t let other people numb your thirst. Don’t let what you see talk you out of what God promised. Don’t let time cause you to give up on the dream He put in your heart. Don’t let mistakes you’ve made convince you to live condemned with no passion.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

CNN HAS MELTDOWN After Tucker Carlson CONFIRMS Interview with Putin


They keep throwing MAGA like its an insult. Ultra mega maga baby!!!
Lets go! Trump 2024. 🇺🇸

I think that Tucker deserves to get the Pulitzer Award for this interview.
No one else had the guts to do this interview.

Oh, the irony. She sits behind a desk and tells us that Tucker is not a
real journalist. While Tucker is actually traveling out of the country to
do an interview with a world leader. Will the real journalist please stand up.

Make America Great Again.

He indeed did Interview Putin.

CNN lying again. See Link for Interview:

Sunny Hostin FALLS APART After Finding Out Her Ancestors OWNED SLAVES


She said she thought her family were journalists but they were
'enslavers.' So, she hails from a family of slave owners or slave
traders? Owning slaves is one thing, Selling slaves as a family
business? Wow! The whole notion of ancestral guilt is stupid.

Whites folks were slaves also. Yet they don't cry about it.

I love it. She owes white people an apology.

So Sunny is half white???? After all, she has said about white people???
I'm white and my ancestors had nothing to do with slavery??? My ancestors
were still living in Europe during slavery in this country???

Hypocrite. Race baiter. God don't like ugly people.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

You can’t control how everyone treats you, but you can control how you respond. When someone is rude, you don’t have to get upset. When they cut you off in traffic, that doesn’t have to sour your morning. Don’t take the bait. Don’t let the offense stay. Stay in peace.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Senate Approve $118 Billion, 370-Page Pile Of Garbage Border Bill!


Thanks for keeping us updated! I feel sympathy and empathy
for our country. low income people are suffering to survive, and
I appreciate Caroline. You've helped my family with your advice.
imagine investing $30,000 and receiving $95,460 after 28 days of trading.

When Trump wanted $2 B to build a wall, the Dems said it was too expensive. But now, $118 B, that is a real bargain…

They must be Vetted first !! Biden ruining America.

Close the Border now.

NYC Criminal Aliens Arrested In ARIZONA After NYPD Officer Attack!


The fact that they have the means to move about more than
most tax paying Americans. ( cartels, drugs, trafficking, etc. )

The bad news is that the best model citizens of all these countries
are NOT leaving their country for America like the DEMs want you
to believe. Very few of them actually need asylum either.

Man Arrested For Luring & DELETING Child Predator In Houston!


Being a hero gets you arrested while being a criminal gets
you anywhere except jail.

I mean... I'm not going to lose sleep over what he did. Just saying...

As someone who was molested at the age of 7, I see no problem
with this. I sure hope the guy that did this, has all of his charges

NYPD Takes WOKE City Council On Ride-Along For ONE Reason...


After 43 years as a high school teacher, I can tell you that all this
paper work eventually cripples your ability to simply do your job!

Won't work. Police don't have the time. Already have to much
paperwork now. Get real !!

I love it!! They should have left the woke in the worst part of town.
You’d hear them crying in LA!

I think the city council people should have to document every single
interaction THEY have

Boston Homeless Man Goes BALLISTIC Over Migrants TAKING Rec Center!

Comments:  ( Amen ) 

We must stand by this working homless man he outstanding
and deserves our support

I pray the real Americans see what is happening.
Vote Trump 100%. Take our country back and
support each other

Black woman Christian conservative voting 3rd time for
President Trump 2024-2028 Saving Our Country Again 🙏👍
