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Monday, November 13, 2023


The 15 kids that killed 17-year-old Johnathan Lewis over a nicotine packet don’t represent the Black community. What took place was barbaric and shouldn’t happen in a country of equality. I’m going to be very real for a second. Not everyone that attacked him was black but the black children will be the focus for narrative purposes. I really wish ignorant black people knew how hard they make people like me have to work. When stories like this murder go viral white people will rightfully question or state that they are being racially attacked. The same goes for if the boy was black and the 15 boys were white. It would be shared by every major black influencer. I’m sure the white people that are fighting for peace wish ignorant white people knew how hard they make their jobs as well. When Ronald Regan was shot in an assassination attempt in 1981 he stated in the operating room: Reagan removed his oxygen mask to joke, “Please tell me you’re Republicans.” The doctors and nurses laughed, and said “we are today Mr. President.” This shows that even then there was a massive divide. This divide exist because ‘that’s not our guy’ mentality is the fuel that keeps politics burning. I am praying for the family of that young man and to the people that create the narrative, to the people that create the news, before you do anything remember that the world is watching. Lewis died because he was allegedly standing up for one of his smaller friends, a true hero at heart. Death sentence to everyone involved.
0:19 / 1:11

 It want be long now. God will clean up this mess. Democrats, Liberals,

criminals have ruined so many lives. Where is Woke and BLM on this ??

Where is the News Media ??!!

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