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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Fentanyl overdoses are ripping apart lives in S.C.

 Two Awendaw brothers began Sept. 23, the first day of fall, with a drive to Charleston’s airport to pick up a friend, returning home with takeout food.

As the day wore on, however, the trio also ingested unknown substances that caused them to lose consciousness. When the visitor woke up in the middle of the night, he found his hosts unresponsive. He called 911.

Authorities arrived to find two sleeping children in a downstairs master bedroom. But upstairs in another bedroom were the two brothers — a 36-year-old man and his 39-year-old brother, who were next-door neighbors. They lay on their backs on the floor. The brothers were pronounced dead at the scene. Although no drugs or drug paraphernalia were found in the home, their deaths were later ruled the result of a mixture of fentanyl and ethanol, or alcohol, according to Chief Deputy Charleston County Coroner Brittney Martin.

The brothers’ father reportedly rushed to the home and tried to attack the visiting friend, a 44-year-old man from Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., according to a Charleston County Sheriff’s Department report. He yelled at the visitor, accusing him of killing his sons, the report said.

Both men were handcuffed and detained briefly.

But minutes later, the visitor became incoherent and struggled to breathe. He was taken to a Mount Pleasant hospital but didn’t explain what happened to the brothers.

The visitor later reportedly died somewhere outside of South Carolina before deputies could download information from his cell phone and ask additional questions, said sheriff’s department spokesperson Amber Allen. But because the man apparently died in another state, Allen said she doesn’t know the specifics of where and when he died. The Charleston City Paper could not confirm his death with Florida authorities in an eight-county area near his home.

About six years ago, the brothers moved to the Awendaw area where they built homes and operated what a neighbor called a successful contracting business. Their deaths came nearly 15 years to the day after their older brother died at age 27.

Because the brothers’ unexpected deaths have traumatized their family, the City Paper is withholding their names.

Meanwhile, one of the brothers’ friends posted on his Facebook page: “Man, I still don’t want to believe this, You guys both always had a smile on your face [and] were always willing to help someone if they needed it. I remember playing hockey for the blades with ya for many years, and had some of the best times. All final goodbyes hurt, This one just really hits home. … Rest Easy you guys.”

The fentanyl scourge

The brothers died 12 days before Charleston County Coroner Bobbi Jo O’Neal held a press conference to warn the community that some 187 people had died since the beginning of the year from unintentional drug overdoses — a 15% increase from the 162 people who fatally overdosed in the same time period last year.


Soon after that warning, drug overdoses claimed the lives of two sisters who died together in Charleston and then a man and a woman who also died together in a North Charleston motel room, O’Neal told the City Paper.

Those deaths are also believed to be fentanyl-related, she said. Coroners in Berkeley and Dorchester counties have reported rising rates of drug overdoses linked to fentanyl, but the recent double deaths are unique to Charleston County, officials said.

Pharmaceutical fentanyl is classified as an opioid, prescribed to treat severe pain. A synthetic version is an additive to illegal street drugs, which is causing the jump in overdose deaths, officials said. Tiny amounts can kill.

“There are individuals who are making drugs to make them look like the originals. And that’s the big problem,” said O’Neal.

Deaths in doubles causing big alarms

“When we start seeing [deaths] in doubles, our problem is much bigger than we realized,” O’Neal said. “That is scary. That should be scary for anyone.

“I think people don’t think they are impacted [by fentanyl and other illicit drugs], but they are wrong,” she said. “It used to be cocaine or crack addicts [who overdosed], but it is not what we are seeing now.” Overdoses are occurring in people of all age groups, income levels and races, officials said.

O’Neal warned that everyone should be suspicious of the source of medications.

“No one should take anything from anyone that they don’t know exactly where it came from,” she said. “We don’t know what is mixed with what.”

Xanax is a legally prescribed drug that treats insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety disorders. But it is also popular as a street drug, the coroner said.

“If you are prescribed Xanax and you run out, don’t take your friend’s. You don’t know where the friend’s Xanax came from. You won’t know whether or not that was legal Xanax or if it was mixed with something and it has Xanax in it.

“There are individuals who are making drugs to make them look like the originals,” she added. “And that’s the big problem.”

Global problem, local ramifications

The chemicals that make up fentanyl are made in China and exported to Mexico where they are mixed to manufacture synthetic fentanyl, tri-county coroners said. During recent California talks between president Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping, China agreed to be tougher on companies that make and export the precursor chemicals used to create fentanyl.

In South Carolina, drug overdose deaths have risen from 1,100 people to 1,494 people between 2020 to 2021, according to the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control. In 2021, fentanyl was linked to more than two-thirds of all opioid-related overdose deaths.

Berkeley County Coroner Darnell D. Hartwell said the rise in drug overdoses is straining his staff and the department’s budget to conduct toxicology tests. Drug overdoses in Berkeley County have jumped from 42 in 2019 to 69 so far this year, he said. About 90% of the overdoses this year are suspected to be related to fentanyl, he added.

In a majority of the overdose deaths, he said, the victims may not have known they had ingested a dangerous substance. He said he and his staff are also monitoring Xylazine, an animal tranquilizer that is appearing in street drugs. It reportedly gives the user a higher and longer-lasting high, he said.

Berkeley County has formed an Opioid Fatality Review Board to study fatal overdoses to identify how possible gaps in services can be eliminated to prevent overdoses, he said.


“Heroin and marijuana do not come with fentanyl in it. Someone has to put it in there,” said Paul Brouthers, the coroner in Dorchester County where 103 fentanyl fatalities have occurred since 2018. “One is too many and that is of great concern to me personally and to my staff,” he said.

Brouthers said he hopes to lower that number by educating the public about the dangers of fentanyl and other illicit drugs. “Traffickers are pressing fentanyl into fake prescription drugs,” he said. “They don’t have any regard to how many people they may kill.”

O’Neal said she’s also seeing a spike in deaths at hotels partly due to a rise in the number of people living in hotels for a variety of social issues such as people fleeing domestic abusers and homelessness, she said.

“The hope is where we are seeing problems, we can have Narcan available, but that is a stigma hotels don’t want,” she said. Narcan is the brand name of medication naloxone, a nasal spray that reverses the effects of opioids. “We’d like for [hotels] to be part of the solution.”

  • Herb Frazier is senior projects editor for the Charleston City Paper. Have a comment? Send to: 

Most shootings these days are people wanting to 

die.  Suicide by Cop. 

This was the norm before. Still around. 

Suicide by Cops.

Mental illness. Blaming others for your mistakes, 

or simple want to die.  Life isn't easy. 

Sad but true for many.  

( see below post. suspect wanted to die. ) 

He wanted to die. Suicide by Cop.


Hiding under a camper bed. 

He was planning to kill people. 

Suicide by Cop. 

Suspect Pulls AK On Cops and Gets DEMOLISHED

Bad guy kills his own brother. smh 

The other incident, Suicide by Cop. 

This Airliner Was Doomed To Crash (But It Didn’t) | Qantas 32

We Must Land NOW!! The Incredible Story of Singapore Airlines Flight 319

Unforgivable!! The Tragic tale of Air Algérie Flight 6289

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Thank a Police Officer for doing One of The Toughest Jobs in the World. 

Thank God for Them. 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

 What God asks us to do, many times, is more about the obedience then the actual thing we’re doing. It’s a test. If you obey, you’ll see God’s favor.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Friday, November 24, 2023


God please bring peace to the world. Weakness will show our enemies how they can walk over us. This will not be allowed. Be proud of who You are. Proud white proud black proud Mexican proud Asian proud to be whoever you are. America is the Greatest Country.

Comedian Matt Rife TRIGGERS Leftists Over Domestic Violence JOKE. He's a Comedian!! omg

He literally took the Candice Owens “Life’s tough, get a helmet”
to the next level.

He's a Comedian - omg.

 Russia backs the Syrian Gov. and has to this day. 

Syrian Military were using Chemical Weapons 

against men, women and children. 

 President Trump took Office and in no time at 

all he sent 87 Tomahawk cruise missiles to stop the 

Chemical Weapons attacks. Russia equipment was 

blown to pieces. Russia advisors to Syria were also 

wounded or killed. 

 About a month later Trump had to send another message

consisting of 87 more Tomahawk Missiles. Blowing up 

Russia supplied missiles, fighter aircraft, equipment, radar, 

and Russian advisors were destroyed or killed, wounded. 

 Imagine the phone calls between Russia and the Trump 

White House. Probably went something like this, " If you 

( Russia ) want some more "Built in America tested in 

Syria" just let us know." ( Russian supplied military hardware 

destroyed twice. What Russian collusion?? 

Lied to us again. )  

 Syria never used Chemical weapons against there own 

people again. 'Syrian people were in the streets Cheering 

for America and Trump.'    Amen 

 Hamas would have never invaded Israel. Russia would 

never have invaded Ukraine. The World would be a safer 

place if President Trump was still in Office. 

 Russia and China would never mess with Trump. 

They consider Trump to be just like Ronald Reagan, 

Hard core conservative. Straight shooter. Says what he 


 However, now Millions are dead or wounded around the 

World because of the DNC, Biden, Harris, Media, ect., 

took away our President. 

 How that work out for you??  

Millions now killed or wounded because you lied and 

cheated.  Wars everywhere. However, when Trump was 

in Office not one new War kicked off.  Not one. 

 Look at Food Prices.  Look at Interest Rates. 

New homes 7.88 percent. WTH. 

No one can afford to buy a home now.  

 We'd take mean tweets over all this any day. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving to all !!

Thank God everyday you live in the Greatest Country on Earth. 


Caught on camera: Arizona cops lift car off trapped man

I'm so happy this young man is alive today. God bless this
police officer for coming to the rescue!

I've changed a tire on various cars in my life and have had the
car slip off the jack twice. NEVER let any part of your body go
underneath a car when it's on one of those jacks. Hat's off to the officers and others who saved this
man's life.

Thank God for Police Officers

'I must’ve hit 100 mph': Good Samaritan rushes 2 men to Chicago hospital...

This man is a saint. So much empathy, kindness and courage all in one.

I can’t believe he lost his car and his job just for helping people.
This world needs a change

Trashy Meth Couple Gets TAKEN DOWN

 Meth heads attacking Officers. Just listen. 
 Meth heads lost.  Idiots. 

The camera fall leading to a perfect frame of shirtless meth
heads was like a freaking movie 😂😂

It must be nice to know that there will always be a very unhelpful
person screaming at you while conduct an investigation or arrest.
The help and support they provide is immeasurable.

Entitled Young Black QUEEN HITS A Bicyclist And Then Turns Into A Child

Kendal just tells it like it is .... 

This is a CHILD who has NEVER been held ACCOUNTABLE PERIOD!

Why wasn't her knocking a cyclist off his bike not mentioned on the
charges????? She is a menace to society. Thanks Kendal. I agree
with you 100%
( because the police were to busy trying the effect arrest.
resisting arrest after you hit someone makes no sense. )
arrest. )

DISAPPEARING Engine! The Incredible story of Nationwide 723

Great show. Pilots can learn from it. 

Breaking Every Law Except Gravity

Surviving a fall from 6 stories is one thing but surviving a fall from
6 stories then getting shot in the head by a shotgun and still
surviving is just a whole other level of luck 😂💯  

Guess he finally understood the gravity of his situation and the
Police helped to open his mind 😂  

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Dear white people. You owe us {blacks} nothing. Now, let’s squash this reparations bullshit, share a sammich together and chill TF out.


Oct. 10 th. ..Hamas Terrorist carrying Dead Raped Israel women body as Palestinians hit her with sticks, 2 x 4. They are animals.

The narrative is that Palestinians and Hamas are two different mindsets. Here are Palestinians reacting to Hamas terrorists carrying the trophy bodies of raped and murdered Israeli women through their enclave. October 10 th.

Egypt won't allow Palestinians in there Country for a reason. Terrorist.

 They are cheering on October 10 th. as a body of a raped and murdered 

Israel  women is carried through the streets of Gaza. Listen to them cheer. 

Israel hadn't even responded yet to the Terrorist attacks on Oct. 7 th. 

Where do people think Hamas gets its terroists from?? They come from Gaza, and it's not unusual for a family to have a son in Hamas and another son in Hezbollah. The reason Arab countries won't take in the Palestinians is their support and activity in terroist groups. They supported Sadam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait, and Palestinians at that time was 20% Palestinian.

They are all one and the same. They voted them in & still stand behind them.

The ‘civilians of Gaza’ thrive on this chaos & gore. There is a REASON why Egypt would rather see them die, than admit them entry to the Sinai. No Arab country, even Jordan, will take the Palestinians in. They like this being Israel’s problem.
No Arab country, even Jordan, will take the Palestinians in. They like this being Israel’s problem.

According to a PCPSR poll conducted in June 2023, 56% of the Palestinian respondents said they would vote for Ismail Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas.

*Muslim people in our Congress back these animals.  smdh 

Imagine what this poor woman went though. Raped over and over. 

Gang raped. Now they hit her dead body?? 

Egypt makes more sense than our Muslim Congress women. 

Egypt knows they are terrorist. 

Does BLM @ Woke still back these animals?? 

US Muslim Congress women back these savages !? 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

"I saw God Today." Blessed .......
Beautiful song by George Straight.
The Music you listen to is important.
It should relax you, make you real at ease,
make you smile, relaxed. Calmness.
Music will cause your brain to produce
chemicals like dopamine and serotonin.
Calming Music can relax the mind and body.

If the Music belittles women stop listening
to it. It will poison your mind.
If it speaks of violence to others, turn it off.
Music should calm you. You should be relaxed
and chilled.
( if not try listen to something else. be cool @ relax )

Just because you gave up doesn’t mean God gave up. He doesn’t abandon dreams. He doesn’t start something and not finish it.

 Keep a smile on your face; keep a song in your heart; keep the passion in your spirit. Don’t drag through the day disappointed. This is the day the Lord has made. He’s on the throne. Choose to be grateful.

Friday, November 17, 2023

God will deal with all this foolishness.

Keep putting your hands on peoples kids. 

Hell is Hot. 

Stop pretending that Joe Biden is the damn president

Biden is now kissing Zi Jingping s #ss. Trump said it plain and
clear he said in 2020 if Joe Biden wins the Presidency China will
own the US. China will own us.

This is what happens when Far left, Biden, Dems, Libs, Woke, ect., are in charge.

People have forgotten that not incarcerating people is inhumane
to law abiding citizens.

This 17 year old brutal murder was racially motivated and they
should be held accountable. This was a definitely a hate crime.
I am angry this young man lost his life! I am praying for the family
and friends of this teenager.

Not with Biden, Dems, Libs, Media,  smdh 

This is exactly what White Folks did not do 

when 16 black males beat Troy Knapp to death. 

We let the Police handle it. 

He was white while riding a bike.

Troy Knapp never got to play with his 1 year old 

son ever again. 

Troy was trapped inside a broken body. Parts of 

his Brains were removed. He was a vegetable. 

Imagine if 16 whites jumped on 1 black person!!

Feds said it wasn't a Hate Crime?? 


16 on 1 isn't a hate crime. 

If Troy Knapp was Black then it would of been a Hate Crime. 

Our Children now go to School to get beat on. 

Great job Dems, Libs, Left, News Media, ect., 

Small White Children will grow up 

with No self Esteem. 

Other White Victims of Hate Crimes:

Melessia "Missi" McLaughlin

Shannon McConaughey

Crystal Soles

Christopher Newsom 

Channon Christian 

many, many, many,  others ....



Thursday, November 16, 2023

Jonathan Lewis lost his life because he was White. ( reminds us of Troy Knapp. 16 blacks killed him. they got less than 6 years. ( ?? )


 Jonathan Lewis died after being beaten when a fight broke out 

over a pair of stolen wireless headphones and possibly over a 

stolen marijuana vape pen, according to a police spokesperson.

The beating happened November 1 in an alley near the Rancho 

High School campus after school let out, Las Vegas police Lt. 

Jason Johansson said in a news conference Tuesday. Events in 

the alley were captured in a video that has been widely shared 

on social media. “What you see in the video is approximately 

10 subjects kicking, stomping and punching our victim, Jonathan, 

as he is on the ground not defending himself, to the point that he 

becomes unconscious,” Johansson said. “The video is very 

graphic and, in my opinion, is very void of humanity. 

Eight juveniles – whose names have not been released – were 

taken into custody and “will be charged with the crime of murder,” 

said Undersheriff Andrew Walsh. The suspects range in age from 

13 to 17 and are students at Rancho High School. Half the teens 

arrested will be tried as adults, the Las Vegas Review-Journal 


Those four cases were automatically transferred to adult criminal 

court because the defendants are 16 or 17, the newspaper reported. 

                                                 Troy Knapp 

                          Doctor had to remove parts of his Brains. 

            ( his killers got nothing compared to what Troy lost. His life. )

                  How can 16 on 1 or 15 on 1 not be a Hate Crime ?? 

 Troy Knapp didn't stand a chance against 16 black males. 

They beat him into a Coma. For months he was in a Coma. 

Doctors had to Remove parts of his BRAINS.    smdh 

 Not one Charged with a Hate Crime ?? .. We did not Riot, Loot, 

Burn and Murder.  

 Troy Knapp was headed home to play with his son. He never 

made it. He never got to play with his son again. Troy died that 

day as his mom said. However, his body lived on in a Hospital 

bed. He wore a diaper. Had to be hand feed. His killers got less 

than 6 years. Most got probation.  We asked the Feds. about Hate 

Crime charges. They did nothing. 

....Double Standards....


 Troy Knapp whole life was worthy only a few sentences. 

His family wanted Murder charges brought. Never happened. 

Feds refused to help or do their jobs. 

 Imagine if Troy Knapp was Black!!  He'd of been all over the News.


                                                 Melissa "Missi" Mclaughlin

 Melissa "Missi" McLaughlin - Kidnapped, gang raped, murdered.  

Forced to clean herself with bleach, at gun point. Forced to clean 

her vagina with bleach also.   

After 2 of them raped her, they yelled out, " We captured a white 

girl come join in." Another black male did just that. 

   ( trailer park right off of Stall rd. ) 

 They shot her 5 times in the face off Hwy 61. When we found her 

she was still alive barely. She could not talk because her jaw was 

missing.    ( try sleeping with that image )  

3 Black males took an innocent life. 

No Hate Crime charges ever filed?? 

 Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom 

Young and in Love. They were kissing in the door of there vehicle. 

They were Kidnapped, both extremely young, raped, tortured. 

The young man was burned alive on some RR tracks. 

Channon was kept alive a few more days so they could 

continue to rape her over and over. 

 Channon body was found in several different trash bags. 

They cut her up. 

No Hate Crime charges ever filed??  

( they raped them both. animals. ) 

If you read what all happened to them you will vomit. 

*If we do not bring up all these Cases of Hate Crimes 

against White Victims who will??  The News Media will certainly not. 

Wokeness and BLM certainly won't either.  

Hers is the only body recovered. 

Only if the Feds or Charleston County Prosecutors Office 

would Exhume her body for the DNA we could 

give her and her family Justice.  

Apparently White Victims of Hate Crimes have no rights. 

2 Confessed in writing. 

We have a body. 

Naming Jacob Taylor and Randall Taylor involvement. 

3 others as well involved. 

Type in Search: Confessions Elijah Johnson @ Harry Rivers 

Please write the Charleston County Prosecutors office. 

To Exhume Shannon McConaughey body to get the needed DNA. 

White Lives Matter also. 

Crystal Soles 

Crystal disappeared in January just like Shannon did. 

A certain person was visiting family back 

in McClellanville, SC. 

The FBI did after much pressure talk with the Soles family. 

Then they up and left. 

Shaun Taylor smoked a stash house / drug house. 

FBI again, looked the other way. 

Innocent people do not burn down houses.