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Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Biden admin. sent notifications to tens of thousands of migrants across the U.S. reminding them to apply for work permits, a move taken in response to intensifying pressure from officials in New York and other cities struggling to house new arrivals.

This is why we have a Border for. Biden and the Dems. omg.

Mexico has a Border between them and Guatemala.

Mexico is smarter than Biden, Harris and Dems.

77 Countries have Border Walls. 45 more Countries are now

putting up more Border Walls.

Biden doesn't care about anyone but his crooked family.
Men are not women, and women are not men. A man is absolutely superior at being a man. A woman is absolutely superior at being a woman. But when a man tries to be a woman or a woman tries to be a man, you have something inferior to both.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Random Acts of Kindness to Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry ! Ep15

Pizza party for the homeless, acts of kindness

Helping others 


Ring’s Ten Most Neighborly Moments | RingTV

Good people come in every size, shape and shade! 

Chicago News Crew ROBBED At Gun Point While Covering Robberies


WEAK! Anyone speaking that racism is the problem in America
is deliberately ignoring taking responsibility for their actions.

The blatant disrespect he shows to his own voters! Is crazy

 Be genuine. Be the reason for someone’s smile.

A negative mind will never give you a positive life.  

Rapid #intensification will continue with #HurricaneIdalia up to #landfall around 8AM Wednesday morning. Expected to get as high as 125-130mph.


Stay Safe

Marjorie Taylor Greene Explodes On Fani Willis, Biden Over Trump Arrest


I hate when journalists ask a question then they can't stfu when the person they are interviewing is trying to answer. I would just get up and walk out after warning them to not interrupt me the first time. Then they can have an interview with themselves

Hate it when someone is asked a question just to be talked over while answering it.

She told the truth. Food prices, gas prices, out of control.

Trump like Hilary Questioned the Election results. That is all.

Tell it.



This man is ON 🔥 FIRE! He reminds me of OLD SCHOOL RAP!! Did you know he isn't recognized on the top 100 billboard? He has over a billion views. And he is totally INDEPENDENT, TOTALLY. That's why the billboard doesn't want to acknowledge him!! WHO NEEDS THE BILLBOARD WHEN YOU HAVE SOMEONE LIKE HIM BRAKING THE MOLD!!!!

The reason he blows up so much and so fast is he's the
voice of so many people who feel the same, but are afraid
to own it. ( !!!!!!! )

Much love bro! Didn’t watch many reactions today...always
tune in to yours. Crushed it for me. THANK YOU 🙏🏻 

Larry Elder OBLITERATES Charlemagne On The Breakfast Club!

Larry is razor sharp, I love listening to him dismantle liberals 👍

I'm ashamed to say I had never heard of Larry Elder until about
a year ago. To be honest I'm surprised they asked him on the
show because he just makes them look ridiculous. He's got
such a good grasp of history/demographics/statistics/societal
breakdown amongst different ethnic groups/policing and much
more. He's such a nice chap as well.

Texas man describes firing at fake maintenance workers who tried to brea...

I love his response to the interviewer questioning if he thought
it was funny. “I had no time to process it.” People respond to
trauma differently. Emotional responses can be delayed and
there are so many who deflect with humor or a neutral tone
because they have been through so much that they don’t
know how to appropriately express themselves.

Black Chicago Resident Exposes Why Walmart Left Chicago. She told the Truth.


Lord thank you for honest people. 

Black people, we need to have a big sit down and talk
about how toxic WE are. Especially to our children.

Just think about how bad a neighborhood has to be to
shut down a Walmart. That's on another level.

How dare Walmart not accommodate those sweet little
shoplifters and rioters. Those criminals worked hard to
steal all that stuff. Btw, I love these twins.
They're hilarious.

Black People Line Up In The STREET And SHOUT 'FREE TRUMP' After MUGSHOT ...

Latinas for Trump. Yo voy a votar por Donald Trump.
Best POTUS ever.

I’m black and proud supporter of Trump. Can’t wait to cast
my vote.

To see so many Black and White Americans standing up for
President Trump is incredible to see and well deserved.
Americans have to unite or the U.S is finished.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

 InfIation is NOT under controI at all. EVERYTHING costs more. Their plan to coIIapse the reaI estate industry with sky high lnterest rates is not helping. It’s making home ownership unattainabIe for many people. When they say things are better economicaIIy they are lying!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

 We’re not going to be here forever. It’s easy to live uptight, frustrated, worried, but most of the things that are upsetting us, in the big picture, don’t really matter. You’re alive; you’re healthy. God has given you breath to breathe. He’s given you a family to love.


Friday, August 25, 2023


Black Teens Take Over Downtown Chicago Causing Chaos and Destruction

As a black man again I am so embarrassed by this and understand why we have such negative view on our community. Looting, robbery, carjacking, gang violence , mob attacks , arson , vandalism , it seems to always be us. People can’t look upon us in a positive way if we keep acting like this . Sadly the current administration promoted this behavior and because excuses are always made as to why increases because they don’t punish this . We need to realize at some point people are going to get fed up and then we will feel the consequences , you can only push people so far. We need to speak out and hold our own accountable , they are right that if a mob of white teens beat a person of color they would be crucified and yet they do nothing when it is the opposite. We fought for equality not preferential treatment.

Most Heartbreaking Acts of Kindness Ever Caught on Camera !

Thursday, August 24, 2023

 Donald Trump merely Challenged the Elections results. His political 

rival have him indicted? That's Third World bull crap at the least. 

 The man was ahead in 3 key states, Michigan, Virginia and Pa. 

Lead Michigan by over 900,000 votes. 

Lead Virginia by a 1,000,000 votes. 

Lead Pa. by 950,000 votes. 

When the Polls closed. 

 The very next morning the man is behind Biden by 1.1 Million 

in all these key states? What happened overnight? 

How can you count when the polls were closed for the night? 

Polls were closed. First time in US History.  

 In front of Congress testifying is the CEO of these Voting 

Machines. He is asked, "How many Votes can a your Voting 

Machine count in an hour?" The CEO states," 200,000 " is 

the Maximum.  

 The Congressman then ask," How then did these same Machines 

count 250,000 Votes in an hour in VA. PA. and MI. ?? 

The CEO replies, " That's impossible."  

( not if the dnc is in charge - pray tell everyone cannot afford these 

food prices and the gas to get their  ) 

 "What happens in the Dark Shall come to Light." 

The Daughter of Malcolm X tells Louise Farrakhan, "You Killed my father."

 Louise Farrakhan threatened Malcolm X very life in 

Newspaper Article he wrote in Dec. 1964. Just months later 

3 brown men shot Malcolm X in front of 200 + people. Killing 

him instantly. 

 Louise Farrakhan brain washed 3 young men into killing 

Malcolm  X. Nation of Islam he runs. Imagine that. 

 She said, "The Tan man, the Brown man and the Black man 

called my father a Traitor. 3 Black men emptied there guns of 

bullets into my fathers body. We cannot deny that. "  

"Louise Farrakhan envy of Malcolm X had him killed." 

Always remember this. Louise runs the, "Nation of Islam." 

He is allowed in the US to preach hate for the past 50 plus

years. smh.  

 Everyone knows Louise Farrakhan had Malcolm X Murdered 

because of Jealousy.  ( same thing happens to rappers in the US 

nearly everyday. )  

Envy got Malcolm X killed by Louise. 3 young men can be easily 

brain washed by someone like Farrakhan. He loves to preach hate. 

God will get him. Hell is hot. Forever. 

Good Samaritan who helped Minnesota state trooper gets gift of thanks

The Most Daring Rescues of 2020

These Big Brothers All Saved Their Siblings

The Most Heart Stopping Moments of 2020

Nightwatch: Top 6 Miraculous Recoveries | A&E

Good people come in every shape, size and color.

 Salt of the Earth people come to us in many forms. 

Short, tall, skinny, medium sized, to large, they 

large because God gave them a Big Heart.  

 Love for our follow man knows no size shape nor color.

We can get on the phone right now, call an old friend 

we've not seen in years. They will pull up and say, 

"Who this dumb person done touched one of my 

Children? " This would be one our many brown 

friends who have known our children since they 

were in diapers. Our children grew up together, 

we grew up together. There children are our children, 

too just like my children are there's also. 

 Point of this story. 

Keep your hands off other peoples children or 

else some, brown, white, yellow, red bone, etc., 

will pull up on you because you punched the 

wrong persons children. 

 Many people date brown women and they white too. 

Mess around if you like.  God help you.  

Unless you are that child's mom or dad, keep your 

hands to yourself or else.   

 What you see on social media most times is not real life. 

Everyone struggles. Bills, car repairs, kids, food prices, 

gas prices, jobs, life, this heat,  etc.,  

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Good Samaritan and DPS Trooper's emotional reunion

Michigan state trooper describes how two Good Samaritans saved his life

Coast Guard recognizes good Samaritan for heroic actions in Houston Ship...

Good Samaritan Rushes to Help Jogger Who Was Assaulted

Seattle store manager taking matters into his own hands with constant crime.

Good Samaritans filmed rescuing two women pinned under car crash in Wash...

20 People Help Flip SUV to Free Those Trapped Inside

Fed Up Clerk Makes Two Robbers Pay Full Retail

Nightwatch: Top 6 Good Samaritans | A&E

19 Victims Murdered in Chicago under the age of 16 this past weekend alone..

Candlelight prayer vigil for 17-year-old Ashuntice Wilburn, killed in Austin via

What a Beautiful young lady. Life taken way to soon.
Guns ain't the problem. It's the criminals with guns that
are the problem.
Another victim, 14 yoa, had his back pack ready for the
first day of school. Killed by gang violence.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The world isn’t aware of Divestors yet.

Divestors are BLACK women who want nothing to do with Black culture’s degenerate behaviors. There are 1000’s of us on X and Tiktok We’re done being told to dedicate our lives to protecting a culture that treats us like dogs.

Sharika - Amen - Love strong women.

 Democrats are terrified of this photo. They would make this photo illegal if they could.

I see nothing wrong with it. What do you think

Love over hate. United we can make it. Divided - China and Russia waiting to take over.

Can we go back to before Biden Inflation. 

NYC wants too. 

Chicago wants too. 

They have more immigrants now than poor Tx. 

Crime wave like never before. 

Have ya seen the price of Food lately?? omg 

Biden hasn't had to shop in over 50 years. 

Biden and Hunter tight with China. 

Millions $$ of dollars in their pockets. 

News Media says nothing.... 


 Biden lies but the numbers don't:

Trump 👔4.9M jobs 👷454K mfg jobs 🏠2.65% mtge rate 📊6% CPI 1st 30mo 💵1.9% CPI growth 🛒2% inc food prices ⛽️$2.39 gas Biden 👔2.1M jobs 👷204K mfg jobs 🏠7.51% mtge rate 📊17% CPI 1st 30mo 💵7.4% CPI growth 🛒20% inc food prices ⛽️$3.87 gas