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Wednesday, November 23, 2022


The suspect Michael Brown had just Robbed a store.

When Brown approached a Police Officers car the Officer

knew him and didn't get out.

Brown attacked the Officer in his car trying to take his Gun.

They fought for control of the Ofc. gun. Brown lost. The Ofc.

was half Browns' size.

Two African American Women Testified that Michael Brown

attacked the Officer sitting in his patrol car. They said half of

his body was in the car window fighting with the much

smaller Officer Over his gun.

Brown killed himself by trying to be a gangster.

Just robbed a store.

Riots over a complete lie.

Woke has caused more Deaths than any other cause.

Black on Black killings are way up. Not enough Police

Officers to patrol the inner cities or any city for that matter.

The Riots, Burning, Shooting at Police Officers all based on

complete lies.

             Michael Brown just committed Strong Armed Robbery. 

            Then goes down the road and attacks a Police Officer 

             who never got out of his patrol car. Tried to take the 

             Officers gun. Brown was twice as big as the Officer. 

             Officers are taught," Weapon Retention is Vital." 

        Michael Brown killed himself by his own Criminal actions. 

Again, Riots over complete lies. 

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