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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

What about all the black-on-black shootings and killings in Cities you don't want to talk about?! ( Media, BLM, Woke, Antifa, Dems, ect. ) - Make It Make Sense. Mass Shootings every weekend in these Cities you fail to mention.

South Carolina single handedly wrecked the college football playoff;

well done Shane Beamer and Co

Monday, November 28, 2022

Heal yourself so that the wounds don’t control your life.

Woke has caused more Deaths than any other cause.

Black on Black killings are way up. Not enough Police

Officers to patrol the inner cities or any city for that matter.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022



The suspect Michael Brown had just Robbed a store.

When Brown approached a Police Officers car the Officer

knew him and didn't get out.

Brown attacked the Officer in his car trying to take his Gun.

They fought for control of the Ofc. gun. Brown lost. The Ofc.

was half Browns' size.

Two African American Women Testified that Michael Brown

attacked the Officer sitting in his patrol car. They said half of

his body was in the car window fighting with the much

smaller Officer Over his gun.

Brown killed himself by trying to be a gangster.

Just robbed a store.

Riots over a complete lie.

Woke has caused more Deaths than any other cause.

Black on Black killings are way up. Not enough Police

Officers to patrol the inner cities or any city for that matter.

The Riots, Burning, Shooting at Police Officers all based on

complete lies.

             Michael Brown just committed Strong Armed Robbery. 

            Then goes down the road and attacks a Police Officer 

             who never got out of his patrol car. Tried to take the 

             Officers gun. Brown was twice as big as the Officer. 

             Officers are taught," Weapon Retention is Vital." 

        Michael Brown killed himself by his own Criminal actions. 

Again, Riots over complete lies. 

No shit the laptop is real. You know what else is real? Election theft.


We don’t hear much about Democrats and leftists being let back on Twitter. Why? Because they were never kicked off in the first place. Their lies and misinformation simply escaped all scrutiny. Censorship has been deployed as a one-way operation against conservatives. @elonmusk  


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The beauty of life is that everyone is unique in their own way. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Where are the Hearings for the Riots, Looting and Burning that occurred 8 months before Jan. 6 th. ????

Such nice criminals 


Double Standards 

 Mass shootings of innocent people are always bad.

However, if you’re angry about one set of mass shootings because it can advance your agenda, but ignore the mass shootings taking place every weekend in certain cities, then you’re just an opportunist. You’re plain evil, too.

Tell' it Zeek

South Carolina Football Team broke all records: 

Since 1936 No Unranked Team has ever beat a Top 5 team

by scoring 63 points.  

Most Points '63' by Unranked Team vs AP TOP - 5 Opponent 

in the Poll Era. ( Since 1936 ) 

22 Point Underdogs 

We don't call the South Carolina Football Team the, 

"The Cardiac Team" for nothing. 





All have overlooked USC at different times and paid 

dearly the last 50 + years. 


Video: "College Football Grades." 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Now that the Mid-terms are over with gas prices will go back up. Biden only got them down for votes. Using our Strategic Oil Reserves to keep gas prices down for votes is extremely dangerous. China and Russia know we a weaker now. #BidenFlation

Family suing Police over Armed Man being killed?? He only had 2 guns.. smdh

This is what our country has come to, criminals and their families suing law enforcement for doing their jobs of protecting the public. No wonder police agencies have staffing shortages, no wonder crime is on the rise, no wonder criminals have become so emboldened.  

Police have mere seconds to decide to shoot or don't shoot. Lawyers, 

Media, Liberals, ect. have forever and have no idea what it's like to 

have a gun pointed at you. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Happy Veterans Day to those that currently serve & have previously served the greatest nation in the world. May God bless you & may God bless the United States. 🇺🇸 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Do you remember back in the day when they counted all the votes and declared a winner on election day?


Monday, November 7, 2022

"It's the Economy Stupid." 

Bill Clinton ran on this slogan. 

Independent, Conservatives, Dems, Libs., need to 

Vote by what is not in their wallet.   ( $$$$ ) 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Biden has repeatedly used our Strategic Oil Reserves. Over half of it gone. Not smart. Even selling millions of barrels to China. WTH. - How will our Military defend us with no fuel?? #BidenWorstPresidentEver

Inflation, Inflation, Inflation.... 

Vote them out.