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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Seems to us that what those police officers did in TX - waiting outside, protecting themselves, while children were shot and killed - may be an extreme result of the culture we've established the past two years. In 2020, we decided it was more important to shield teachers from a 99.7% survivable virus than to protect children from abuse, hunger, learning loss, depression, drugs or suicide. In a drive to save 80-year-olds, we canceled well child visits, isolated kids and prevented them from building healthy immune systems, injected them with experimental vaccines, and watched about 1/3 of them become obese - likely for life. We opened bars, restaurants and sports arenas for adults while keeping playgrounds, rec centers and preschools closed. We had some public health officials recommending that very ill children be locked in their room, to prevent older people in the family from getting sick. Even today, we mask 2-year-olds to make grown people feel safe. Is it any wonder those cops thought of themselves and their own safety first? It's a natural extension of the way we've been living since March 2020. The safety of adults - their comfort and peace of mind - is paramount. And children pay the price. In this case, the price was huge.

*I was thinking the exact same thing. I don't pretend to know the details in this incident, but it would fit given the way children have been treated.

*It has the sense of a stand-down to me, a la Benghazi. I know it isn't the same, but something seems similarly, an invisibly present as an external interference to what would normally happen as a response.

*Excellent point. Going even further, all of this "me first" "children last" mentality can be traced back to a culture that would allow its most precious and innocent to be murdered in the womb for the last 50 years.

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