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Friday, March 11, 2022

Ukraine says Russia planning "terrorist attack" on Chernobyl

This is extremely serious matter. The US should be concerned
also - of "Dirty Bombs."
#Chernobyl isn't a joke.

The Russians also keep cutting power to the plant. Not good.
The Russian Government are tight with Iran.
The Russians Government are "Close" with Nations of Islam.
Putin is crazy. Mad man. Former KGB Officer. Has killed thousands.

The US, UK, France, Germany, Poland, ect., NATO: Best keep an
eye on Chernobyl. We may need to send in our boys to make
Chernobyl safe for the World. Covertly.

Putin and certain Russians could be playing with Millions of lives.

Chernobyl has killed over 200,000 to 300,000 people. Probably a
lot more. ( Russia says Chernobyl only killed 31 ppl. smdh. )
Americans included. Our Men and Women serving in Germany
back in 1986 have died years later of Cancer caused by
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster.

The US and Europe paid over $ 2 Billion dollars a few years ago
to put a new cover, Doom, over the Radiation still leaking from
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. As the old roof was falling in.
This to save lives.
Now Crazy Putin and his Generals are turned off Power to
Cooling Pumps. Not good. Not good for the enter World.

Chernobyl will not be "Safe" for another 24,000 Years.

Even today being near it is extremely unsafe after only a period
of hours. Only hours.( radiation levels still today extremely high )

Terrorist, Radical Nations of Islam, Russia's good friends, would
love to have some Radioactive material to make a "Dirty Bomb."
To bring to a city near you.

Russian people are good people. Its Putin and the Russian
Government that are worrisome. Russians are Protesting the
War and being put in jails and prisons.

What is going on in Ukraine is nothing less than Genocide.

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