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Monday, January 10, 2022

19 dead in Bronx fire 

13 dead last week in Philly fire, 7 of them children.  smh 

We've been saying this .... "With less Police Officers on Patrol 

there will be more deaths because of fires."

As a former Police Officer I've called in many Apartment fires, 

Houses on fire - and ran door to door saving lives. 

With LESS Police Officers on Patrol more people are dying needlessly. 

The News Media, Antifa and BLM terrorist caused these deaths .. 

You attacked a Profession that Saves Lives while you sleep. 

We save lives that never get reported. 

If we had the right amount of Police on Patrol these deaths would be 

either a lot less or even none at all ..  

Great Job News Media .. smh  

19 dead in Bronx fire 

13 dead last week in Philly, 7 of them children.  smh 

Other fires also - you just don't hear about them....

Anymore "Great Ideas" about demonizing all Police Officers who 

actually, save lives early in the mornings while you sleep ??!! 

Less Police more people die ..  Needlessly .. Sad ..

Police can report these Fires and Save Lives as they have done for Decades. However - we have a lot less Police Officers because of News Media attacks and other groups not thinking it out ....

Police Officers save lives everyday ....

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