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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Robert Maudsley, 68 now, who killed 3 child molesters and one wife killer, was told this week that he will be incarcerated in his 'glass box' until he dies. .. smh .. ( He should of gotten a Metal ) .. Kids would have been kidnapped if not for him and sold to other pedophiles.

*He did people a favor, saved many little boys and girls from being molested. There's much worse than him in prisons I'm sure. He's only a danger to people who deserve it.  ... But that's who gets protected the most... ??    

*This is crazy... He is reducing prison vermin for free.... This man obviously has old school values for women and children even if a bit extreme....  

*This is so sad, maybe he can't mix but at least let him have TV, books, etc. Why protect these paedophile from him he's only doing what everyone else would like to do to them.  

*He was doing a favor getting rid of nonsense. what's wrong with that. And a murderer. At least give him a cell on a wing so he can see people . They talk about human rights - were is his.   

*All very wrong! He was the victim of pedophiles as a youngster and all he’s done is kill a few in revenge! He’s done some good and this is how he’s being treated??  

*He should get a medal


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