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Saturday, November 20, 2021

*Y’all know Kyle Rittenhouse wasn’t wrong. Y’all wanted them to convict him because he was white. Just say that. ....

*So if you are trying to turn the Rittenhouse verdict into a BLM city block barbeque...just remember 3 white people were shot by a white person. If you riot over the verdict you automatically are admitting that All Lives Matter. Thanks for coming to my Tom talk. Upside-down face 

*If I might, the most commonly missed thing is that Kyle wasn't completely white either, he was part Hispanic as well. But they don't want to admit he was even partially a minority, because that ruins the story.

*Lot of ppl dont even know they're wrong because they never watched any of the trial and get talking points from news that only played the prosecutions arguments. Amazes me how many ppl still thought the 3 ppl shot were black a week into the trial.

*If any other man regardless of skin color was in the same exact situation as Kyle.. that man would be innocent as well. Stop making about race.

*None of these people that are so outraged today seem to realize that if the three perps that attacked Rittenhouse hadn’t, you know, attacked him, they’d all still be alive today.

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