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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Where are all these people illegally crossing our Borders 

going to get Jobs at Biden @ Harris ?? 

What about our kids getting jobs in the future ?? 

Open Borders Why ? Covid, Criminals, taking peoples Jobs, ect., 

Biden and Harris have Failed Americans ..  

Who is going to pay for them ? Tax Payers !? 

All for Votes. Sad ..  

Monday, September 27, 2021

Rapper R. Kelly  Raped women and underage girls for 25 years. 

Found guilty today of Rape and Sex Trafficking. 

Following weeks of graphic and emotional testimony, R. Kelly was convicted Monday on all counts in his New York sex-trafficking trial

“To the victims in this case, your voices were heard and Justice was finally served,” Acting U.S. Attorney Jacquelyn Kasulis said Monday outside the Brooklyn courthouse Monday, where a jury convicted the 54-year-old R&B star on all nine counts of sex trafficking and racketeering following less than two days of deliberations.

Here’s an abridged timeline of the key events that led to this moment.

November 1993: Kelly, a Chicago native who discovered his passion for music as a teenager, breaks into the national consciousness with the release of his debut studio album “12 Play,” anchored by the hit singles “Sex Me” and “Bump N’ Grind.”

Aug. 31, 1994: At 27, Kelly illegally marries 15-year-old singer Aaliyah, in a secret ceremony. The marriage is annulled months later because Aaliyah was underage. (She died in a plane crash in August 2001, when she was 22.)

November 1996: “I Believe I Can Fly,” released on the soundtrack for the movie “Space Jam,” peaks at No. 2 on the Billboard Pop Chart. The song goes on to become a classic of the R&B genre.

The same year, Kelly marries Andrea Lee, 22, a dancer from his touring company. They go on to have three children: Joanne, Jaya and Robert Jr.

December 1996: Tiffany Hawkins, a high school student and aspiring singer, sues Kelly for $10 million and alleges they began having sex in 1991, when he was 24 and she was 15, according to a Chicago Sun-Times article published in 2000.

January 1998: Hawkins’ lawsuit is settled for $250,000 and Kelly denies any wrongdoing, according to the Chicago Sun-Times article. The next month, Kelly wins three Grammy Awards for “I Believe I Can Fly.”

There are more Victims .. 

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Turn your wounds into wisdom. And learn kindness and love from God.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Stand Strong, Stand Firm in your Beliefs. We got your back. Millions of Americans Love this Great Country of Ours. God Bless the USA .. !! 100's of Millions Love America. Always have, always will .. !!

We Love all our Friends. Our Friends Love Us.
Our Friends come in
every Size, Shape and Color.
No Politician will ever change that .. !



Crystal Soles - Many believe the Taylor Crime Family and Co - Defendants took her also ..

Taylor Crime Family and Co - Defendants of McClellanville, S.C. 

Another Victim: Brittanee Drexel 

Suspects: Timothy Shaun @ Timothy Da'Shaun Taylor 
There are other Suspects..

More Victims 

Shannon McConaughey


Al Sharpton always stirring up Strife .. ! .. Sad man ..  

"How much money are you making? Why are you here advocating for violence? Del Rio is not a racist city. Del Rio is a loving, caring community," the men yelled. "We don’t want your racism in Texas. Get out of here. You’re a disgrace. You’re a racist. Nobody wants you in Texas. Nobody wants you in Texas."  ( *ABC News article ) 

Leave people alone.. ! 

Everyone has it tough.. ! 

Stop the Bull .. 

                            He said this over 100 Years ago .. 

                                     Live and Let Live .. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

When will Shannon McConaughey get Justice ??

                                                    2 Confessed in Writing  

                                     Why Not "Exhume" Her Body ??

                                              For the Love of God ..  

                              Randall Taylor Raped her more than once 

                                                See Confessions: 

Here is a Timeline that Reveals the Shannon McConaughey Story: (January 1998 - May 2001)


"...Shannon McConaughey was last reported seen about 11 p.m. Jan. 29, leaving the Cracker Barrel restaurant on Ashley Phosphate Road..."

"...On Friday, McConaughey's dark-blue 1984 Mercury Cougar was found burned on a remote road near McClellanville. The fire nearly destroyed the car, and investigators found only a cellular phone and some Amway notebooks that had not burned, said Berkeley County Sheriff's Capt. Butch Henerey...."

"...For five weeks, relatives and friends of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey anguished over her disappearance. On Monday, their worst fears were confirmed. A body found Friday in woods near Awendaw has been positively identified as that of the Berkeley County woman missing since Jan. 29..."

"...Charged with murder are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24, of South Santee Road; Harry James Rivers, 29, of Society Road; Elijah J. Johnson, 26, of Old Germantown Road; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Rainey Street in Georgetown. All four were denied bail..."    ** Also Jacob Taylor ... REFUSED EXTRADITION BACK TO SC. FROM GA. 


"....One of five men charged in the 1998 murder of Shannon McConaughey told investigators she was raped and shot twice in the head after leaving a McClellanville-area bar with the suspects, a detective testified Tuesday. Suspect Elijah Johnson claimed the entire group intended to rape the 19-year-old St. Stephen woman, but the first man to attack her went "berserk" and killed her, Charleston County Sgt. David Robertson said. Robertson testified during a preliminary hearing for three of the men charged with McConaughey's murder - Randall Keith Taylor, 32, of Georgetown and McClellanville residents Harry James Rivers, 29, and James Isaac Weston Jr., 24. All three were arrested Feb. 8...."

"...The defense lawyers also raised questions about four written statements Rivers, one of the suspects, provided to deputies in 1998. Rivers first told investigators he saw McConaughey and Randall Taylor drive off together that night after asking him where they could buy drugs, Robertson testified. Rivers later said McConaughey was slumped over in the car and bleeding from her mouth and nose. He changed his story yet again before finally telling police he had been lying and knew nothing about her death, Robertson said. Taylor is accused of shooting McConaughey, and the others allegedly helped him dispose of her body and car, arrest affidavits state. Also charged in the crime are Johnson, 26, and Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, both of McClellanville...."

"....The assistant solicitor countered that only someone involved in the crime could have known the details Johnson provided, such as where the body was found, the nature of her wounds and that a red gas can was on the rear floorboard of her car. Investigators found traces of the can in the car, he said....."

"...The fifth man accused in the 1998 murder of a St. Stephen woman was arrested Saturday aboard a tugboat in Georgia waters. The U.S. Coast Guard detained Jacob Leon Taylor, 46, of McClellanville. Charged with murder, he was being held Saturday night in Georgia, authorities said...."

"....After nearly four months in jail, five men accused of a high- profile Lowcountry murder were set free Tuesday when the Charleston County Solicitor's Office dropped the charges, citing a lack of evidence...."

"...On Tuesday, Solicitor Ralph Hoisington and Charleston County Sheriff Al Cannon said they had reviewed the case and determined there was not enough evidence to convict the men..."

"...Johnson was arrested in August 1998 on an unrelated breach of trust charge, deputies said. Deputies at the preliminary hearing said Johnson told them that when the group reached the woods, Randall Taylor suddenly appeared and shot McConaughey..." 

"....Authorities say the investigation continues, and they still think some people in the McClellanville area have information, but have not come forward, Lucas said. "We have to have cooperation from people who know about this," he said. "At this point, unless we find some more information, we are not going to be able to bring this case to trial, and we want to," he said...."

  RIP Shannon McConaughey  


 Randall K. Taylor 

 Jacob Leon Taylor 

 Harry James Rivers  Confessed 

 Elijah J. Johnson  Confessed

James Isaac Weston, Jr. aka TAG 

Exhume Her Body ! 

For Justice  ! 

He sold her to his friends. Human Trafficking. 

Randall Taylor however went crazy and killed her 

before others could Rape her too. All in the woods 


Smile ..


Sunday, September 19, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

Laughter is the Best Medicine. 
Turn off the News and all your troubles go away .. 

Selling drugs isn't a JOB. GET Real .. ! 

Get a real Job and God will Bless you. 


People with no educate or very little can tell you,

"Go get a J>O>B and life is good to ya .. " 

If nothing else, every parents says this, "Then 

go get a Job and live the American dream." It's 

called hard work and it does pay off.  

Stop with the lame excuses .. 

If you have no Respect for others then at least -

Have Respect for yourself .. ! 

By the way you Dress people know, 

By the way you Talk people know, 

By the way you Walk people know, 

Please for the Love of God "Respect Yourself." 

Morals, Character, Respect, Love, Compassion 

for others, ect., .. 

Most Democrats Today will tell you," We Need More Police." 

Crime has sky rocketed in the past year and they know why ! 

Stop lying on every Police Officer .. 

Bad guys will always be bad guys .. 

Criminals come in Every Shape, Size and Color .. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

Worst Movie ever made ..  

Exodus. God and Kings 

( The best movie ever made was "The Ten Commandments" it is 

   spot on with the Bible also .. Charlton Heston, Yul Brynner .. ) 

This movie was a terrible depiction of the Exodus account. I find it interesting how Hollywood chooses biblical films and then removes from them all the things that make the story unique and fascinating. They botched the character of Moses and the the entire purposes of God in the film. To be honest if I had not been familiar with the Exodus story, this movie would have confused me to no end. It was void of all the substance that gave this story purpose and grandeur. Blasphemous, heretical and just down right poorly done.  

There seemed to be not only no regard to the original text, which is one thing, but also no real knowledge or understanding of it. 

The film's problems extend way beyond the outrageously whitewashed cast. Since it never commits completely to either notion about the reality of God (that he is real or just imagined by Moses), this retelling of Exodus exists without a thesis and therefore any real purpose. Although it's pretty obvious that large sections of the film seem to be missing, so conceivably there's a cut that makes more sense and actually deals with it's supporting characters.  

Such a huge budget, with such illustrious actors as Bale, Kingsley, Weaver and others... all to produce a very poor telling of an epic story. Apart from Moses and Pharaoh, it seems that all the other characters are dumb and silent, and it is a waste of good cast. Pharaoh himself seems rather childish and unintelligent, and that leaves Moses as the only character of any significance. It would seem that instead of re-telling his own version of the Exodus, Ridley Scott re-told his own version of the Prince of Egypt (a superb film, by the way). There seemed to be not only no regard to the original text, which is one thing, but also no real knowledge or understanding of it.  

Watch the Movie, "The Ten Commandments." A lot more accurate than 

this movie. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Dear kids, we used to drink from a garden hose and it was so good. 


#VaccineMandate - This young man tells the truth

"Warning Language." .. Facts though .. 

I've liked very few Rap Songs. 

This one is spot on. 

I like Asap Rocky also; 

Asap said," Why we talking about one cop and one 

brother getting shot ? When a 1000 brothers are shot 

by others brothers weekly in Chicago and 40 to 50 die."  

How about we talk about this "Real issue !!" 

Biden is weak. Makes America look weak. smh .. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

If the vaccines worked, why would you need protection from the unvaccinated?
Make it make sense.

*Also, why we got to get Booster Shots if the Vaccines work??

*Ask Questions People !!!!

As usual, Biden is lying his ass off right now.

Spot on ..