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Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year 2022 .. !!!!

The State of South Carolina this Bowl Season:

South Carolina State = Won (HBCU National Champions) Coastal Carolina = Won Clemson = Won South Carolina = Won

We love some South Carolina..!!

Awesome People, Weather, Kindness, Love, ect.,


Happy New Year South Carolina @ all of America

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The number of "friends" or “followers“ you have does not make you

better than anyone else. Hitler had millions; Jesus had 12.

Robert Maudsley, 68 now, who killed 3 child molesters and one wife killer, was told this week that he will be incarcerated in his 'glass box' until he dies. .. smh .. ( He should of gotten a Metal ) .. Kids would have been kidnapped if not for him and sold to other pedophiles.

*He did people a favor, saved many little boys and girls from being molested. There's much worse than him in prisons I'm sure. He's only a danger to people who deserve it.  ... But that's who gets protected the most... ??    

*This is crazy... He is reducing prison vermin for free.... This man obviously has old school values for women and children even if a bit extreme....  

*This is so sad, maybe he can't mix but at least let him have TV, books, etc. Why protect these paedophile from him he's only doing what everyone else would like to do to them.  

*He was doing a favor getting rid of nonsense. what's wrong with that. And a murderer. At least give him a cell on a wing so he can see people . They talk about human rights - were is his.   

*All very wrong! He was the victim of pedophiles as a youngster and all he’s done is kill a few in revenge! He’s done some good and this is how he’s being treated??  

*He should get a medal


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

*Natural Immunity is trending... that won't last long... that doesn't make Big Pharma any money.

All about $$$$$$$ ..

*The Fauciite’s intentional suppression of natural immunity discussion during this pandemic will go down as one of the most egregious, inexcusable, and reckless political decisions of the entire pandemic

#Facts #Mandates are wrong..

Monday, December 20, 2021

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another. 

 More Crime Stories at Below Link :

Sunday, December 19, 2021

God has no phone, but I still talk to Him.

He has no facebook, but he's still my friend.

He has no twitter but I still follow Him.

Spot on ....... 


Saturday, December 18, 2021

If Tammy Moorer is so Innocent. ( Appeal ) Why is she checking her yard 
with a "Mirror" for Police camers, wires and bugs ??  

Only days after Heather Elvis disappeared. 

Then washed a New Ford Truck, with a pressure washer, outside 

and inside. INSIDE ..  ?? 

At the same time "burning" the towels they washed a new truck with?? 

The Moorer's should not have gotten 30 years each. They should 

have gotten 60 years each. ..As The Elvis Family correctly asked for. 

Both should get 60 years for Wasting Taxpayers Money too.. 

                                         Tammy and Sidney Moorer 

"The Shopping Cart Killer" has Killed at least 4 women. Probably more. Serial Killer.

 Virginia police on Friday said they arrested an alleged serial killer who they say is behind at least four homicides in the state since August.

They said the alleged serial killer, Anthony Eugene Robinson, 35, has been dubbed "the shopping cart killer" because of his modus operandi. 

Anthony Eugene Robinson 

 "The Shopping Cart Killer"

Fairfax County Police Chief Kevin Davis said he meets victims on dating sites and then at motels.

“After he inflicts trauma to his victims and kills them, he transports their bodies to their final resting place, literally, in a shopping cart. And there’s video to that effect,” Davis said.

Three of the victims identified so far are women; the identity of a suspected fourth victim has not yet been determined due to decomposition, police said.

Davis was joined by Harrisonburg Police Chief Kelley Warner and Forensics Maj. Ed O'Carroll who also shared details of their investigations into suspected serial killer at a Friday press conference.

The law enforcement officials said they would scour the state and Robinson's travel records to see if there are more victims than the four currently identified.

“We need to act right now with our law enforcement partners to figure out who else our killer has had contact with, and what’s his MO — dating sites, motels, blunt force trauma, shopping cart, final resting place," Davis said.

"He’s killed four already and we suspect that he has more victims. He’s a predator.”

Robinson’s attorney, Louis Nagy, declined to comment.

Harrisonburg Police Chief Kelley Warner said her department found the bodies of two victims, 54-year-old Allene Elizabeth “Beth” Redmon, and 39-year-old Tonita Laurice Smith, in a Harrisonburg commercial area on Nov. 23 and arrested Robinson in connection with their murders as a result of video surveillance and cell phone footage that placed him with the victims prior to their deaths.

He carried the bodies away in shopping carts. 
aka The Shopping Cart Killer  

 My heart rejoices because of people like #JimFinch

God will Bless you Sir ..

He drove down to Mayfield Kentucky with food and water not because anyone asked but “Because it needed to be done” 😭❤️❤️❤️🌟 #BeLikeJimFinch
This is how you #LightTheWorldWithLove
0:16 / 0:45
Jim Finch drove half an hour with a grill and a truckload of food, parked right in the middle of Mayfield, Kentucky and started cooking for people.
He’s not a restaurant owner or a charitable organization. He’s an American helping his fellow Americans at a time of need. God bless this man. #MayfieldSTRONG #kentuckystrong

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Amen .. 
In this life, time is short. You are born today and by the time you blink, you’ve had your first child. Blink again and they’ve had theirs. As a man who enjoys deep thought, one who’s only really known to love and one that tries deeply to be compassionate, I’ve encountered some evil people in this world. People whom will go to great lengths to count all your flaws, and repeat them back to you in chronological order. People who hurt, kill and show no mercy to anyone. I’ve see the worst of the worst, and the best of the best. I’ve learned something through all this, that changing the world cannot mean changing every person individually. It means changing yourself so that others can follow suit. It means extending a hand to those who are ready to change but need help. It means having compassion for one another. You can’t spend your life pouring from an empty cup. Surely you will only find yourself in need to pouring into, and most times when you request a refill, no one will listen. Truth is, they are glad that what’s happening to you isn’t happening to them. continuously pouring from an empty cup isn’t a way to a better life, nor will it help pay the debt that we owe to leave this place better than we found it.
We can’t change the world until we change ourselves. Take care of you ❤️💙