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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Eric Trump @EricTrump · We will win Arizona! The @FoxNews call was horrible... Some good news ... See below:

Do not be deceived by the media. is leading Michigan by about 10%, North Carolina by about 2%, Georgia by about 2%, Pennsylvania by 12%. These numbers are straight from each states SOS Election website. Not MSM.

Trump campaign manager this AM: "The Democrats are pushing to count late ballots. Why? They know and we know that if we count all legal ballots, we win."

Arizona is back in play. Remaining votes are in areas that favor Trump

We will win Arizona! The call was horrible...

We must stop ballot harvesting and every form of voter fraud. This is no way to run a democracy.

If you do a little reading about how communists do elections in South America, you will see the playbook. The middle of the night vote finding is a classic and well-tested coup move.

Exactly what happened last night .......

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