If you murder - you’re a criminal, if you steal and destruct another’s property - you’re a criminal. This looting crap truly will never make sense no matter how hard you try to make it make sense. Those people are using this murder to justify stealing, in reality there’s no excuse and it’s just bad behavior. And now a bunch of innocent people have to deal with the fallout and destruction of their business’ and livelihoods. So who exactly were these people thinking of when they were throwing shit and stealing stuff? Answer- they were only thinking about themselves. Especially considering the businesses they’ve destroyed are run and maintained by people from their own community who probably also don’t agree with what happened to George in the first place anyways. So what good have you actually done here? Apart from snag yourself a brand new tv and a bottle of whiskey.
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Sunday, May 31, 2020
If you murder - you’re a criminal, if you steal and destruct another’s property - you’re a criminal. This looting crap truly will never make sense no matter how hard you try to make it make sense.
If you murder - you’re a criminal, if you steal and destruct another’s property - you’re a criminal. This looting crap truly will never make sense no matter how hard you try to make it make sense. Those people are using this murder to justify stealing, in reality there’s no excuse and it’s just bad behavior. And now a bunch of innocent people have to deal with the fallout and destruction of their business’ and livelihoods. So who exactly were these people thinking of when they were throwing shit and stealing stuff? Answer- they were only thinking about themselves. Especially considering the businesses they’ve destroyed are run and maintained by people from their own community who probably also don’t agree with what happened to George in the first place anyways. So what good have you actually done here? Apart from snag yourself a brand new tv and a bottle of whiskey.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Racism comes in every color and every race, and religion.
Racism comes in every color and every race, and religion.
Indeed it does ..
Culture and Diversity are a Love language that locals speak to the world.
We love the South for this very reason and many others. etc.
Weather, Southern Charm, Culture, Diversity, Good people ..
We grew up with our Asian friends, Black friends, White friends,
Latino friends. We all got along just fine ..
If anyone had a little "Dust up," it was over in seconds because
it was over something silly.
We love all mankind. Love the Language. Southern Drawl.
People from New Jersey have a great drawl to. All do.
Southern Charm and Southern Drawl ..
Culture and diversity are a Love language that locals speak to the world.
Friday, May 29, 2020
Words of Love in a time of need .. Love Language ..
I'll be the FIRST to love EVERY person for who they are AND what they stand for on
this Earth. Pretending that any of us have been slighted in history more than others is ridiculously absurd. My ancestors were Slaves to the English for over 800 years. Irish
and Scottish. That's the past. .. I'd have us all in love with humanity "the one" and
it's difference's. Culture and diversity are a Love language that locals speak to the
We should love that there are so many ways to LOVE.
Amen brother
Thursday, May 28, 2020
You can support the ones in blue and not support this bullshit. (Floyd ) Just saying. It’s not about which side you’re on it’s about right and wrong. I know so many amazing cops in fact I don’t know any heartless hateful cops, the ones I do know are calm and caring but there are pos’s like this one out there. If you can’t be a decent human being, You should not be a cop.
Someone Posted and we completely agree.
You can support the ones in blue and not support this bullshit. ( Floyd ) Just saying. It’s not about which side you’re on it’s about right and wrong. I know so many amazing cops in fact I don’t know any heartless hateful cops, the ones I do know are calm and caring but there are pos’s like this one out there. If you can’t be a decent human being, You should not be a cop. Amen
No doubt the Police Officers in Minneapolis were wrong. He will be Charged and others to.
But why burn down other businesses ??
Saw an African American crying because people looted his business.
You are hurting your own selves. smh. That man was in tears because
of looters. So much for helping one of your own smh. That owner
put his life savings into that business.
( where are you going to shop at ?? smh )
Only a very small percentage of Cops do something so stupid.
You cannot blame a whole Police Department by the actions
of 1 or 2 Officers. Just plain dumb.
That man cried his eyes out. An African American Business
owner spent all his savings to open his business. Complete
idiots burned it down. The only reason they didn't get the safe
out the office was because the door way was to narrow. wth ..
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
More Whites are Killed by Police than Blacks. Facts below: Also Police Officers are Killed everyday in America. However the News doesn't tell us this. ( ?? )
Police Officers are Human too. Only a small percentage have actually crossed
over the line. Most Police Officers are good people. They have Wives, Kids,
Families to.
Police Officers are Killed everyday in America. 2 - 4 die everyday trying to
protect the public.
However, You will never see on the News how many die per day. smh
Whites are killed by Police far more than Blacks ..
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Poor Uncle Joe, His family needs to come get this man he's obviously suffering from Dementia and or Alzheimer's.
His family needs to come get this man he's obviously suffering from Dementia and or Alzheimer's.
Sleepy Joe Biden .. Lawd have mercy ! .. See below link:
Do you know how old Joe Biden is ?? I didn't till now. .. 77 !
He needs to lay down. Seriously ..
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Stop with all the hate ..
All my friends come from every corner of this Earth.
White, Black, Latinos, Asians, Arab, etc.
We get along just fine. .. Stop with all the hate stuff ..
Evil, Hate and Racist come in all Shapes, Sizes and Colors ..
Todd Kohlhepp Killed 7 People
Did it for years ..
Samuel Little - Serial Killer.
Killed 93 Women
Killed for over 35 years
Sidney and Tammy Moorer
Kidnapped and Killed Heather Elvis
Took Missi Mclaughlin from us
Dylann Roof
Killed 9 people in a Church.
He looks crazy
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
White privilege ? Where it at .. ? Fake News. Lies. All races have had it hard.
Did you know only 1 % of Americans owned slaves !! And Indentured and Bonded
Slaves were White.
Most all the kids have no shoes to wear
They certainly look Privileged to us. ( ?? )
the American dream.
Why try to divided us with this "white privilege" stuff ? My Ancestors
were Slaves too. Slaves to the English for over 800 years. No one has
ever given us anything for free. Work with different races everyday.
No problems at all. We all have bills to pay. All my friends come from
every corner of this Earth. White, Black, Latinos, Asians, Arab, etc.
We get along just fine. .. Stop with all the hate stuff ..
The Lame News Media never tells you about Black Criminals Killing Whites ? Lets count some of the whites killed by blacks. 16 Blacks on 2 Whites and Ruled Not a Hate Crime ... ?? WTH ..
Troy Knapps .. Troy Knapps and his friend were out riding there bikes. When
all of a sudden they were surrounded by a Black Mob of 16. 16 Blacks against 2
skinny white boys. Guess who won and guess who lost. Troy was beaten into a
Coma. He was punched, kicked, hit with bricks and tree limbs. While Troy was
in a Coma the Doctors had to remove part of his brain. 16 on 2 is a hate crime.
Guess what the Feds did ? Not a damn thing. DOJ would call it a hate crime
however the victim was white. 16 Blacks on 2 whites is a Hate Crime either
way you cut it. DOJ said. "Not a Hate crime." Unbelievable .. Troy was confined
to a hospital bed for the rest of his life. wore a diaper till he past. His mother and
sister fed him daily as Troy could not feed himself. He never got to play with his
little son ever again. Troy dies in a vegetative state. He mother said it best," Troy
died that day of the ( racist ) attack just his body did not."
When 16 Blacks beat the hell out of him. Pure hate. His body lived on
confined to a bed, wearing a diaper, hand fed, never played with his son again.
The killers got little to no time. The longest sentence was 6 years for brutally
beating another human being. Most got probation and or 2 year sentences. smh.
My only question to the Feds and DOJ - how many Blacks can beat the hell out of
a white person before its a Hate Crime ???? 20 on 2 perhaps … smdh .. What a joke.
If it wasn't for NCPD all suspects would have walked. Feds did not help. Good old
Police work did. Talking to witnesses and getting names .. The DOJ wouldn't even
help the local Police with that.
Kidnappers, Rapist and Murderer
Melissa "Missi" Mclaughlin .. Was walking home off Stall Road. 3 Black males
pulled beside her and allegedly ask if she needed a ride. She may have been forced
into the car. As only the suspects told this. Missi had no idea what was about to
happen next. Seems these 3 black criminals had made a New Years resolution to
rape and kill a white girl. Missi fought for her life. They raped her over and over
again. Sodomized her to. Then one yelled out the front door of the trailer, "Come on
over we Captured us a White Woman.." 2 more black criminals joined in raping
Missi. After they raped her all evening and night to. They made Missi clean her body
with bleach. Both inside and out. ( can only imagine the pain ) This to get rid of any
DNA. Then they drove to the next county off 61. Gardner made her get out of the
car and shot her at least 5 times in the face. Guess what the Feds and DOJ told
the Police again. Not a Hate crime. (???) 7 suspects total on 1 white lady. If not for
NCPD Police and Detectives these monsters would have gotten away. Just good old
Police work. We asked around. Talked with her BF. They had a disagreement and
she walked home but never made it. People saw her get in a car off Stall rd. Then
told us them dudes live in a trailer just 2 football fields away from where they
picked her up. We got a search warrant and was in the crime scene an hour later.
24 hours later we made 5 arrest. 2 were females hiding in a back bedroom. Scared
to come out. 2 of their BF had threatened to rape them to. Gardner was the 6 th.
suspect. The trigger man. US Marshalls captured him a year later back home in
Baltimore working at a sandwich shop. A customer had spotted him on the news.
Shannon McConaughey .. We think she was one of the first victims the Taylors
kidnapped. 1998. However we could be wrong. As many other girls are missing.
Randell Taylor Kidnapped one Shannon McConaughey. She had just left the
Cracker Barrel in North Charleston after having dinner with friends. Was driving
back home to St. Stephens. Somewhere between NC and St. Stephens she was
kidnapped. Probably stopped to get gas and was kidnapped. For over a month we
could not locate her. Then we got a call about a burned out car in the woods near McClellanville, SC. It was Shannon McConaughey car.
Completely burned. A few days later we found Shannon McConaughey's body.
For nearly 3 years we came up cold. Then 1 night one Elijah Johnson, arrested for
another crime, came clean. He told us in detail what all was done to Shannon
McConaughey. Harry James River confessed also. Told us he first saw her in
Randell Taylors car, she was bleeding from both her mouth and nose. Slumped
forward - unconscious. All wanted to rape her.
Randell Taylor had already raped her and beat her horribly. They followed
Randell Taylor deep into some woods. Randell raped her again and instead of letting
the other 4 rape her as planned. Randell pulled out a gun and shot her repeatedly.
Theothers said," He went crazy." 2 wrote written confessions. 5 men were arrested
and charged with murder, rape, kidnapping. However, a Taylor friend worked for
the Charleston Co. Sheriffs Office. He ruined all the evidence. DNA everything. He
was only fired never charged ( ?? ) All Taylors and friends walked … smh
Brittanee Drexel .. Had gone to Myrtle Beach with her alleged friends on Spring
Break. Her alleged friends treated her poorly. Brittanee was in constant contact
with her boyfriend back in Rochester, NY. Jon knew she wasn't happy. They texted
often. After going to see some friends she had just met the 2 day before. The security
camera show her come in this Hotel and leave 10 minutes later. Poor Brittanee had
already walked over a mile. But her alleged friend wanted her shorts back. ( we wonder
did Jennifer offer Britt her shorts and then 30 minutes later want them back ? ) An odd
thing to do in a strange town to them. Last time we see Britt is on a traffic cam. Minutes
later Brittanee Drexel disappeared. Her boyfriend Jon couldn't get Britt to text him back.
After several attempts to get in touch with Britt Jon called Brittanees Mom. Brittanee
had been kidnapped. He Cell Phone pinged several times heading south. It's last ping
was in the area of McClellanville, SC. In 2010 local Detectives had names of suspects.
However, someone shut them down ? Makes no sense. Then in 2016 we found out what
happened to Brittanee Drexel. She was Kidnapped, sold as a sex slave, gang raped, and
later killed. As many as 10 - 20 Monsters raped her. Suspects - were the Taylor Crime
Family and Friends who also kidnapped, raped and killed Shannon McConaughey.
Crystal Soles .. is missing also. Same MO: White Female, alone, walking, easy to grab
and very close to McClellanville, SC. Body never found. Just like Brittanee Drexel.
Taken the same month as Shannon was, January. Just a different year.
There are many more white victims. However if 5, 16 or 20 Black Criminals kidnap,
rape, beat you to death and or kill you - gun, knife, etc. ..
It's NOT a Hate Crime .. ( ?? )
Per the DOJ .. smdh
Double Standards at it's worse ..
5 White Victims of Racial Attacks. No Hate Crimes ever Charged .. ??
At least 30 Black Criminals involved in these crimes ..
Not one was Charged with a Hate Crime. .. Not one.
( if it had been 30 whites on 5 blacks it would have been hate crimes )
All this talk about Race is Bull crap. Whites get killed all the time also.
You just don't hear about it ..
Racism and Hate goes both ways …….
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Well, the Democrats have successfully killed our economy with this virus. They got just what they wanted, to see Trump's economy, the highest economic growth ever in this country, to die. Our oilfield will be just what Joe Biden said, non-existent, oil dropped to -$36 a barrel. That's right negative $36 a barrel. It's a shame that a political party would celebrate the death of its own country just to see the president fail. Democrats, you failed this country by putting your hate for one man ahead of the millions of Americans you're supposed to be helping. America should be ashamed of the politicians who left us behind because they hate President Trump. This man-made virus has given the government total control of everyone, no one is working, our oilfield died, businesses closing by the day, socialism is here, some of you better be ready to not only fight to get your country back, but to fight to survive the coming months. If Trump's not re-elected in November you are seeing first hand how our country will be under socialist Democrat rule. #wakeupamerica! Copied and shared from a friend. Now it's your turn to copy & share!! TRUMP2020
Someone Posted :
Well, the Democrats have successfully killed our economy with this virus. They got just what they wanted, to see Trump's economy, the highest economic growth ever in this country, to die. Our oilfield will be just what Joe Biden said, non-existent, oil dropped to -$36 a barrel. That's right negative $36 a barrel. It's a shame that a political party would celebrate the death of its own country just to see the president fail. Democrats, you failed this country by putting your hate for one man ahead of the millions of Americans you're supposed to be helping. America should be ashamed of the politicians who left us behind because they hate President Trump. This man-made virus has given the government total control of everyone, no one is working, our oilfield died, businesses closing by the day, socialism is here, some of you better be ready to not only fight to get your country back, but to fight to survive the coming months. If Trump's not re-elected in November you are seeing first hand how our country will be under socialist Democrat rule. #wakeupamerica!
Copied and shared from a friend.
Now it's your turn to copy & share!!
Now it's your turn to copy & share!!
Friday, May 15, 2020
Where it at ?? White Privilege ... No such thing. Where it at ... Whites were Slaves too ... Check out History. Bonded Slaves and Indentured Slaves were White Slaves. Whites in Poverty below ..
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wear the freaking mask!..How hard is this???.. Seriously???..Being from Massachusetts that is very small compared to other states that has been hit hard and number 3 in the country with deaths and cases..I don't need to hear your rhetoric or stupid conspiracy theories!..I have kids and grandchildren that I need to worry about. Stop being so selfish and wake up! I want to get back to normal soon so I can see my family!..All I hear on FB is fucking babies complaining!..Speading false news!..I haven't seen my kids or grandchildren in almost 8 weeks!..Yes this is me complaining! I miss my family!..Follow the rules so we can get out of this shit!...And all the workers that need to wear a mask to go work! They have no choice..So when people hate on them..I got a BIG problem!
Someone Posted :
Wear the fucking mask!..How hard is this???.. Seriously???..Being from Massachusetts that is very small compared to other states that has been hit hard and number 3 in the country with deaths and cases..I don't need to hear your rhetoric or stupid conspiracy theories!..I have kids and grandchildren that I need to worry about. Stop being so selfish and wake up! I want to get back to normal soon so I can see my family!..All I hear on FB is fucking babies complaining!..Speading false news!..I haven't seen my kids or grandchildren in almost 8 weeks!..Yes this is me complaining! I miss my family!..Follow the rules so we can get out of this shit!...And all the workers that need to wear a mask to go work! They have no choice..So when people hate on them.. I got a BIG problem !
Monday, May 11, 2020
People fail to realize the bigger issue of not opening despite how much sense it makes: The rising rage and childishness of people that will literally start going crazy and start huge protests and cause bigger unrest in the country. It’s not that we’re opening to save the economy, I feel like we’re opening to avoid some groups of people in the country from more protesting. You got people with huge house parties been going on. Some people won't listen to reason ..
Someone Posted :
People fail to realize the bigger issue of not opening despite how much sense it makes: The rising rage and childishness of people that will literally start going crazy and start huge protests and cause bigger unrest in the country. It’s not that we’re opening to save the economy, I feel like we’re opening to avoid some groups of people in the country from more protesting. You got people with huge house parties been going on. Some people won't listen to reason ..
Say a kind word to someone
Say a kind word to a co-worker ..
Say a kind word to a stranger ..
Saying a kind word may be what they need to hear ..
Love, Peace, Joy
Say a kind word to a stranger ..
Saying a kind word may be what they need to hear ..
Love, Peace, Joy
Social Distancing Works ..
Everyone has to work to make a living ..
Wear protective gear ..
Use common sense ..
Social Distancing works ..
Be Safe .. Be happy .. Help each other ..
We've never done this before ..
Peace, Love and help one another ..
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Kori Muhammed .. As Racist as they come .. ! Hate comes in all colors .. White, Black, Latino, Asian, Arab, etc. .. See Links :
Kori Muhammed .. As Racist as they come .. !
His Hero ???? Mass Shooter in Dallas. Shot 9 people
Killed 5 Police Officers in an Ambush.
Cowards ..
See Links :
Racism goes both ways !!!!
Listen to this nut job .. smh
( You will hear nothing about this case as it doesn't fit a narrative .. )
In April of 2017, Kori Muhammad had murdered 25-year-old Carl Williams, who was an unarmed security who was working at a Motel 6 located in Fresno, California.
The shooting of Williams happened to have been caught on security cameras, with police being able to identify Muhammad as the shooter shortly thereafter.
Former Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer stated that Muhammad realized police were onto him for the murder at the Motel 6 when he’d seen a news report listing him as the prime suspect. According to Dyer, that’s what motivated Muhammad to embark upon a shooting spree.
On April 18th, 2017, Muhammad admittedly decided to target white men in his murderous spree. In less than a minute’s time, Muhammad had unloaded 16 shots that took the lives of three men.
Killed 4 people. All motivated by race and hate ..
You will hear nothing about this case as it doesn't fit a narrative ..
Shooter was African American. Wanted to Kill Whites 3 years ago.
Islam and Voodoo is his religions .. smh
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