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Saturday, September 16, 2017

// Jemele Hill Racist // Double Standards By ESPN // Why Did She Delete Her Tweets If She's So Innocent ?? // Racist Jemele Hill // ESPN is now CNN // Disney Owns ESPN // Boycott Both //

  1. u hv officially become a nat'l disgrace! (Tweets still up as of 7:20pm EST) – at Ponte Vedra Beach
  2. Replying to   
    I'm a Latina, definitely not a white supremacist and he has my support, not a racist bone in or mine
  3. Jemele Hill, Robert Lee Sounds like has the race problem
  4. Replying to   and 
    Bigotry and racism NO WAY! This woman made racist remarks in the past She is a bigot! or 63 million Americans sabotage
  5. joins the class of misguided race hustlers preying on {our} black's grievances for a paycheck.
  6. Replying to  
    Directly from your employer... Twitter = "Live Microphone" therefore anything you tweet is same as saying it on TV!
  7. You fired white employees for much less than calling our President a white supremacist.
  8. on 09/11 we should unite as 1. remarks about President is disgusting. She needs to go. I am now an xviewer
  9. Cool to generalize people only if they arent black right... all else is open game
  10. Replying to  
    ...I am a latina and this was more than inappropriate for her to say this...I don't care what she thinks!
  11. Not sure what's worse, Jemele Hill's comments about POTUS being a white supremacist or how ESPN handled it.
  12. Replying to  
    fired Mike Ditka for him saying Obama was a "lousy leader"...and Jemele does divisive psycho slander & still has job?
  13. Disgusting behavior. False statements. Insults over 60+ million Americans. Time for her to go
  14. Complete BS, You fired Curt Schilling for political opinions
  15. Replying to 
    An angry, blatant racist on a national network should be fired and fired immediately! She has crossed the line

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