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Sunday, July 16, 2017

// If you’re doing all the giving and never receiving, that’s out of balance // You need people that inspire and challenge you // That challenge is not there to defeat you, it’s there to promote you // But you have to do your part and get your fire back //

  1. You can’t watch the news 24 hours a day and expect to stay in rest. Be careful what you feed your inner person.
  2. Every time you’re tempted to worry, turn it around and thank God that He’s taking care of that situation.
  3. Walk away from things that are stealing your peace. Listen to “Living at Rest”:
    Living at Rest
  4. If you’re doing all the giving and never receiving, that’s out of balance. You need people that inspire and challenge you.
  5. That challenge is not there to defeat you, it’s there to promote you. But you have to do your part and get your fire back.
  6. Don’t miss today worried about tomorrow. Today is a gift. You can never get this day back.
  7. If you’re trying to keep everybody happy, the one person that won’t be happy is you.

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