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Thursday, September 8, 2016

// Brittanee Drexel // These Cases make me wonder how many other cases are still out there that could be connected to these people. It almost sounds like a serial killing gang of more than one generation // Surely there is some DNA evidence where these women were seen after their abduction //

These Cases make me wonder how many other cases are still out there that could be connected to these people. It almost sounds like a serial killing gang of more than one generation. Surely there is some DNA evidence where these women were seen after their abduction.

                              BRITTANEE DREXEL 


Since his release, Randall Taylor has been arrested only on misdemeanor charges, including giving false information to the police.

One of his former co-defendants in McConaughey’s death, Harry James Rivers, 45, was sentenced in 2012 to 15 years in prison for sexually abusing a minor. ... WHO EVER WOULD BELIEVE HE BE ARRESTED FOR RAPE AGAIN ????
A jailhouse informant told the FBI that Timothy Shaun Taylor, now 43, shot Drexel after his son, Timothy Da’Shaun Taylor, now 25, sexually assaulted her at a home in the northeastern Charleston County town. Her body was never found, and nobody has been charged in her death.

The elder Taylor’s brother, Randall Keith Taylor, 48, was one of five men arrested in McConaughey’s killing.

The St. Stephen woman was last seen at a North Charleston restaurant in January 1998. Charleston County Sheriff’s Office investigators alleged that Randall Taylor raped and shot her and that the other men helped dispose of her body. Her car was burned in the woods near McClellanville. Her body was found months later.

Sources on the Drexel case have also raised eyebrows at the mention of a fourth woman, Crystal Gail Soles, who vanished just miles from the McClellanville area in 2005. Soles was last seen leaving Shaw's Corner store near Andrews, and officials think she was abducted.

"There are just too many young, white girls going missing (with a connection to that area)," one source close to the case said.


Crystal Gail Soles

Missing since: 01/24/05
Missing from: Andrews, SC
Classification: Endangered Missing Adult
Date of Birth: 11/10/76
Age at disappearance: 28
Gender: Female
Race: White
Height: 5’5 inches
Weight: 135 pounds
Hair Color:  Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Medium
Identifying Characteristics: Double pierced ears.
Jewelry: Numberous rings, watch worn on left wrist.
Nickname: Frog

Circumstances of Disappearance
Unknown. Crystal was last seen in the morning hours at the Shaw’s Corner Store in the vicinity of Jones Ave. and Main St. in Andrews, SC.

Investigative Agency
Andrews Police Department
Phone: (843) 264-5223
or CUE Center For Missing Persons 24 Hour Tip Line (910)232-1687

Daughter Disappears On A Cold January Day

It was a cold January 2005  day in Andrews, S.C., when Crystal Soles called her father for a ride  home. He was in failing health and was unable to pick her up. Crystal  assured her father it was not a problem and told him she would walk  home. "That's OK Dad; I will walk" are the last words her loved ones  have heard from her in more than five years.

No one knows what happened to Crystal. There have been multiple  searches, but no trace of her has ever been found. The CUE Center for  Missing Persons has also helped in the search. Earlier this year,  Crystal's case became the 10 of diamonds in a deck of cards produced by  Effective Playing Cards and distributed in prisons and jails. The  playing cards have led to the arrest and conviction of previously  unsolved murder cases.

As a family member says, "people in this community knew her and what  happened; it breaks my heart as they just go about their lives. All we  ask is to get Crystal back and for final answers."



Shooting suspect fights transfer ... Why if he's not guilty ???? 
CHARLESTON - A suspect in the 1998 slaying of a teen-ager here is refusing to waive extradition from Georgia to South Carolina.
Jacob Taylor, 46, of McClellanville, was arrested Saturday by Coast Guard officials on a barge he worked on, off the Georgia coast.
He is one of five men charged with murder in the shooting death of 19-year-old Shannon McConaughey, whose body was found in March 1998 in Francis Marion National Forest.
Mr. Taylor appeared in a Georgia court Monday and refused to waive extradition. But prosecutor Ralph Hoisington said he did not expect having any problems getting Mr. Taylor back.
The 4 other men charged with killing the woman were arrested Feb. 8 in McClellanville. 

They are James Isaac Weston Jr., 24; Harry James Rivers, 29; Elijah J. Johnson, 26; and Randall Keith Taylor, 32 

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