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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

  HEARTBREAKING: Young woman shares how she was tricked into cutting off her breasts & taking male hormones as a “trans” CHILD!

Surgeries on kids must be BANNED. PLS join the fight & sign petition to urge State legislators for laws to protect children 👉🏾

God help the morons who scared this poor girl and her 

parents into this, that if she didn't get this surgery she 

would harm herself.  

Leave our Children alone.  


Liberals, Dems, Criminals, Moronic Woke, etc., read it again.


 GEORGIA Fraud was the worst of all:

2,056 felons illegally voted 66,248 under 18 voted 2,423 weren’t registered at all 1,043 used a PO Box 4,926 voted past the reg. date 10,315 died before the election 395 voted in two states 15,700 moved out of state 40,279 changed county…

 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in Me."

- John 14:1