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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Trump Support Has SKY ROCKETED Again! Dr Umar's Message To Black People


Her father is Irish Jamaican and Hindu. Her mother is
full Indian. That doesn't equate to black.

In 2013 we lost our friend.. a Beautiful black young veteran of the Air Force who worked with us in our ER as a patient rep. He was shot in a covenience store by another young young black man. I was upset. I started talking about black on black crime. BUT im a white ER nurse .ive seen it for decades. I wrote evetyone i could think of news anchors, politicians no answers. Thank you for highlighting this! GOD bless you in Memory of Carl! RIP friend.

Michaelah Montgomery ROCKS !!! She's a verbal powerhouse, and makes Kamala Harris look slow and ignorant by comparison.

Dear Van - I am a 76 year old “white woman” that was so thrilled when we got a black president because I thought that would prove how far we had come. I am a conservative Christian but was still thrilled. Then the reality hit. Obama brought race relations to a new LOW not high. All of a sudden skin color was everything. Now, I know I am reading that I am not allowed to have my opinion because I am white. Well, screw that. I, of course, notice people’s color - BUT I do not care what color someone is if they are good people. How did we get to this? It is tearing our country apart. I will share your video and watch your videos because I feel you are doing good work. Please keep it up. People my age used to say they wished they were young - I now hear young people say they wish they were old. How sad. God bless you and keep you.

Black Voters DEMOLISH Kamala and Joe! I hope she does NOT See This!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 China wants war. The Chinese leader has taken out many of his Military leaders and Political opponents  just as Joseph Stalin did. Kamala Harris will get Americans killed. She has No Experience dealing with China and their bully leaders. However Trump does. Russia and China would never have invaded Ukraine or try the United States anywhere, if Trump had still been in office. Democrats, liberals, have blood on their hands. 

 China wants war. If they invade Taiwan we go to war. China will Not Invade,  if Trump is President.     Facts ....... 

China and Russia know Democrats are weak on military. However, a Conservative President China and Russia will not mess with. They know better. Just look at Ronald Reagan. Bush x 2. Trump took out Russian equipment in Syria at military bases that were using Chemical weapons, Russian Chemical Weapons, to kill men, women and children. Trump took them out with over 160 tomahawk missiles to end the genocide. We attacked them twice.   Syria has not used chemical weapons since.   

That's the leadership we need.. 

China is a bully. They must be checked. President Trump will give us that.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

DEADLY Attitude! The Truly Shocking story of Pakistan Airlines 8303

The Captain was bossy, arrogant, and should have been fired years 

I Debated Kamala Harris, She's Unfit For President


THIS is the woman who should be in position to run for office. NOT Kamala.

I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard.

Kamala Harris had parents arrested because of there kids ..

Locked up many brown people for weed, over 1500, yet laughs about
smoking weed herself. Harris did this.

Can Kamala recover from the truth Judge Brown told us ..

Sadly she's whatever is more convenient for her at the moment, and she's
absolutely clueless about anything other than what she's told to think by her
party's leading donors.

She is not part black, her grandfather was a white irish man. Who owned slaves.

Indians don’t consider themselves black, they say they’re Indian….
Jamaicans say the same thing, they’re Jamaican, not black.

Judge Joe Brown is hilarious and infamously intelligent and he’s so cool
because he has nothing to lose!

Enitre black community needs see this

Holy hell, buckle up. Extremely intelligent and has zero tolerance for bull shit. Judge JB is
a national treasure. He’s that uncle that cuts straight through the shit,
tells it exactly how it is and EVERYONE needs to hear and
pay attention to. I’ll probably watch this a few more times.

" Mixed Irish, Indian, Hindu the father said we have no black in us." 12:00 minutes onward and he continues as he explains what Kamala Harris father
told him. Judge Brown is a gem. Very smart man. Well educated.

Kamala Harris has No black in her. Her father said. She flat out lied again.

Kamala Harris 50% Indian, 25% Irish, 25% Hindu however - 100% BS 

Friday, August 2, 2024

KATT WILLIAMS WARNED US about Kamala Harry’s SCARY Rise to Power

She don't consider herself black until she's trying to get over on
black ppl!!!!

There are innocent blacks still in jail because she
withheld evidence.

It's crazy we are still voting along our skin color.


I am a Jamaican and will never just vote for anyone simply
because they're black or Jamaican.