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Friday, May 13, 2022

There are still folks who prefer crippling inflation, supply chain issues,
baby formula shortages, insane gas prices, open borders and war -
over Trump and his mean tweets. Insanity.

Sidney Moorer Appealing again.

Another Appeal?? Wasting Taxpayers Money.

May 17 th. Hearing Date. 

Heather Elvis Case.

 The man convicted in a high-profile disappearance case in Horry County will soon go before South Carolina’s highest court.

Online records show a hearing for Sidney Moorer will take place May 17 before the South Carolina Supreme Court in connection to his obstruction of justice charge.

MORE COVERAGE | The Heather Elvis Case

Moorer was found guilty in Sept. 2017 of obstruction of justice in connection to Heather Elvis’ disappearance. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

The good old days before Pelosi and Biden….

Women in their 20's are not allowed to have a hysterectomy because they may change their minds when they are older, but they want young children to be able to take puberty blockers and change their gender. Let that sink in.

How do you like Biden now?? Gas $ 4.41 per gallon. No Baby Formula. Food prices keep going up. Less @ less money to live on.

The world was at peace, prices were low, and the economy roaring under The Great MAGA King.

Perhaps Biden and the Democrats will Restart work on the 
Keystone Pipeline again - that he stopped?? 

$ 4.41 Gas per gallon. National average. 
Highest in US History.