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Thursday, May 28, 2020

You can support the ones in blue and not support this bullshit. (Floyd ) Just saying. It’s not about which side you’re on it’s about right and wrong. I know so many amazing cops in fact I don’t know any heartless hateful cops, the ones I do know are calm and caring but there are pos’s like this one out there. If you can’t be a decent human being, You should not be a cop.

Someone Posted and we completely agree. 

You can support the ones in blue and not support this bullshit. ( Floyd ) Just saying. It’s not about which side you’re on it’s about right and wrong. I know so many amazing cops in fact I don’t know any heartless hateful cops, the ones I do know are calm and caring but there are pos’s like this one out there. If you can’t be a decent human being, You should not be a cop. Amen

No doubt the Police Officers in Minneapolis were wrong. He will be Charged and others to.

But why burn down other businesses ?? 

Saw an African American crying because people looted his business. 

You are hurting your own selves. smh. That man was in tears because 

of looters.  So much for helping one of your own smh. That owner 

put his life savings into that business. 

(  where are you going to shop at ??  smh  ) 

Only a very small percentage of Cops do something so stupid. 

You cannot blame a whole Police Department by the actions 

of 1 or 2 Officers. Just plain dumb. 

That man cried his eyes out. An African American Business 
owner spent all his savings to open his business. Complete 
idiots burned it down. The only reason they didn't get the safe 
out the office was because the door way was to narrow.  wth ..